
Much has happened, while much has remained the same.  Things overall are going wonderful.  The kids still thoroughly enjoy our new living location, and the friends have been plentiful.  I often am hearing knocks on the back door, and "Can Jonah come out and play?" or as this morning, "Can I go in Jonah’s room and play a game on his game cube with him?" as he held up a game.  My 7yo now has friends waiting for her.  My 2yo, loving the grass to easily play in, and the playground that calls to her.

I am almost finished unpacking.  I hauled everything from my sons room, which had ended up as the storage area for leftover boxes, out into the livingroom so that it would drive me nuts with my "nesting" urge, and it would get done SOON, rather then sitting behind closed doors.  It definitely has be scaling walls, I am not happy at all.  I have been quite tired, trying to get everything finished up, but the final bit is on my plans for tomorrow.

I am now 38w3d.  It stuns me.  It’s difficult trying to decide when to calls the parents down, and when to wait.  I fear them missing their daughters birth, and I worry about calling them down too soon.  It’ll all turn out well though.  Last night I thought of little Cassidy being born, the tops of her head showing, and the hair that appears with it… and I got teary.  What a dream come true for all of us, and her time is SO VERY close.

This is a picture from almost two weeks ago:

We went out and saw Twilight again yesterday.  I don’t recall if I’ve mentioned her yet.  She’s a now 24 day old Golden Retriever puppy that I found at 13 days old.  Far too young to leave mom, but it has been wonderful watching this little girl grow.  To be the second to choose her out of a whole litter of puppies.  The timing for her to come home is wonderful.  I am in love, the family is in love.  She’s been a much waited for puppy, and a long time in patience.  She is my sons dog, while at the same time she is the family’s.

Here are some pictures from yesterday:







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