The bed has arrived

Goodness.  Did I mention I was SICK of doing laundry?  I believe I did, but will stress the point again.  I am pleased that EVERYTHING is washed though, and any blanket my kids curl up with have all been washed again.  Every single little washable item in the house has been laundered 😛  All clothes gone through, tossed or packed up for Goodwill, with a few being held aside for storage for next year.

With a friend watching the kids (a rarity!) I unloaded the two back seats in the van and headed out to go pick up a bunkbed for the girls room (the kids swapped rooms).  I am THRILLED with soundness of the structure and the quality.  Granted, it’s metal, but it sure doesn’t feel flimsy.  I am rethankful again tonight that I bought one where the top is completely enclosed on all four sides.  Although it came with cute twin sheets, I bought new full sheets tonight for the bottom bed.  This is where I get to sleep now 😛  I also bought two purple soooooooo cuddly soft blankets for the girls, I just couldn’t pass them up.  I still need to finish the room setup tomorrow, but atleast all bedding has been washed and beds made tonight so that’s good to go. 

I took the opportunity to vacuum the van out before the seats went back in and wiped down the cup holders and plastic.  Back in went the seats as well as the carseats.  All’s good to go for tomorrow – – – once I have this livingroom picked back up again.

I need to go tomorrow and check out insurance abilities for the kids for dental and medical, it changed since last year.  Hopefully *crossing and recrossing fingers*, their regular dentist and also doctor accept the plans. 

Time to go shopping again, online 😛  It was SOOOO nice to just have the food delivered 2 1/2 weeks ago, and was shocked at how much money I saved in the long run too!

2:50am – I really need to get to bed earlier 😛  Maybe tomorrow night.

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