Meet the teacher Day

It was a beautiful day here today, which I was reminded of as my daughter ran down to her friends house barefoot.  Ah, being barefoot, a delight I have refound again.  I use to run everywhere barefoot as a child, disliking any type of shoes.  Luckily, Alyssa absolutely loves shoes, any type – the sparklier the better.

I needed to get her friends moms full name and number for the school records as an emergancy contact, so asked Katherine if she wanted to walk with me also – but of course!  She took my finger and counted her way down the stairs.  Two, three, eight, nine, eight, nine…. well, atleast we have the two in their now 🙂  I smiled as she darted ahead on her little almost two year old legs, mound of curls bouncing as she hopped along.  She immediately found the delight of "borrowing" one of the friends baby dolls, which she has yet to give back.  She toted that thing everywhere today.  To the grocery store, to school,…. "no sweety, the baby doesn’t go into the bathtub".  I think it’s time to buy her another baby doll 🙂

1:50pm rolled around, marking the time to start scooping all the kids up and place them in their respectable places.  The double stroller was hauled out, both little ones being buckled in, and Alyssa running ahead.  Jonah asked to stay behind.  We headed on down.  Alyssa found her classroom, and as soon as her teacher opened the door, the very first things out of her mouth were, "Wow!!  You’re SO pretty!!"  That’s my daughter 🙂  I have no doubt that she will be picking flowers for her new pretty teacher, on her way to class each day.  It was a moment that her kindergarden teacher loved.  Alyssa is such a happy and bouncing child. 

Alyssa excitingly emptied her school supplies into each of the baskets, found her desk and marvelled over it, and headed over to find her cubby.  She started bouncing when the correct one was discovered, and began exploring the classroom.  Only one of her kindergarden friends is in that class, although it’s not a child she associates much with.  Actually she isn’t that thoughtful of a child, and last year caused me heart to break for Alyssa the first time. 

Alyssa headed out with me to walk down to school and saw Diamond walking slowly.  "DIAMOND!!!" and started running towards her, and Diamond took off.  "WAIT! WAIT!"  Alyssa started crying, asking why she ran away.  I explained how mean that was, and next time explain her feelings to Diamond.  When it went to happen again, Alyssa did just that.  I think it caught Diamond by surprise, because she stopped, appologised, and they walked to school together.  I beamed 🙂

Jonah fell asleep early tonight for a change, as I sat reading the ‘teacher materials’ I need to go over his homeschooling.  He said he loves listening to me read, and sat curled up with me, occasionally giving me a kiss.  As I type this right now, I have an over excited first grader who is too eager for tomorrow to arrive to fall asleep.  Ohhhh she’s going to be exhausted tomorrow!  I’m actually going to start family reading time each night to help prepare the kids for sleepy time. 

I tried to prepare them early tonight.  Before the baby was even picked up (a child I care for), I had the girls in the bathtub.  Once the baby was gone, I washed the girls hair, dried them off, dressed them in their night-night outfits, and prepared dinner.  Dinner was fed, teeth brushed, and they were in their rooms before 8pm.  Katherine fell asleep – – – – *peering behind me*, Alyssa just fell asleep. 

This morning, as most mornings she does this, Katherine caused me to turn all mushy inside.  She was nursing, and wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her in the sweetest nurse~hug (awwww!).  For multiple reasons, I am purposefully cutting nursing times back, but not leaving her in the position of feeling hurt.  I basically distract her elsewhere, sometimes she’s insistant that she really does want to nurse, "Mama, murse – pleese?"  Other times she forgets about her request as she bounces off to do something else.  What a delight 🙂

Early morning tomorrow – for these turkeys that love to sleep in anyway 🙂

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