Little Chow Bug

I couldn’t begin to get my mind off of Garlic Jim’s Pizza tonight… the more I tried, the more it screamed for me.  Much to my thrill – NOT – my van key disappeared, leaving me scratching at my windows trying to will the door to unlock so I could retrieve my debit card.  The key will turn up, but in the meantime my craving was HORRIBLE!  I broke and decided to write a check.  The pizza arrived, I got my fix 😛

Katherine was quite excited over the delight of having pizza for dinner tonight.  "YUMMY!" she says, as I asked if she’d like pizza before it arrived.  That girl downed two big pieces plus a bit of root beer.  Yeeees, I know soda isn’t that good for younsters, but gotta have just a teeeny bit with pizza!  She looked at me as I was walking into the kitchen, this plate of cut up pizza in front of her and a BIG grin on her face…. "Thank you mommy, yummy!"  AWWWW!!!!  My sweet little thing!  Alyssa had already fallen asleep, waking her up was a bit of a chore.  Technically her bed time really could be 7:30pm, since this is when she tends to fall asleep no matter where she is.  It’s so much fun suprising the girls with something they love (such as this type of pizza), although I think she was tired to the point of not really being hungry.  She only ate one piece and went back to sleep.

Here are two pictures of Katherine, not the best.  The first she had just woken up from a nap – look at those curls!  I love her hair.  My sleepy princess.  The second was taken by a friend while I was teaching a lesson and Katherine was hanging out watching me.

And Alyssa!  She has been having a field day with the camera, taking pictures of anything and everything!  She has REALLY been impressing me with the photos she ends up caputures.  I may just have to purchase her her own camera also.  She appears to have quite a gift with it.  Anyway, she was hanging out in the tree and asked her friend to take a picture of her.  Not the best quality, but it’s a picture! 🙂  My new up and coming photographer.

The girls enjoyed the afternoon playing with two of their little friends, Nia and Eden, while their mom sat in front of me while I worked on braiding her hair.  She’s going to "Burning Man" this year and wants to have her hair completely pulled up and out of the way, so it wont be destroyed by the ultrafine sand storms.  I really really wanted to go this year, but other things came up.  Mostly cost was a factor.  It would have ended up costing me well over $3000 to go, after the cost of tickets, air fair, food, lost wages, as well as a nanny for the kids for the two weeks.  But, I suppose fate plays it’s own part in life.  I have the most exciting event happening over Labor Day weekend *hop hop hop* and if I was gone at Burning Man I would have missed it completely *ear to ear grin!*

Doesn’t this look interesting?  She’s coming back Friday for me to continue working on it.  The girls want a few in their hair, and I may just go with some in mine.  What fun!

I’ve been having HORRIBLE PMS this month, AF is right around the corner.  Ugh.  I feel like biting someone’s head off, even today.  Yesterday I snapped at poor Mark when he called.  "How are you doing today?"  "OMFG Let me tell you how!!!", and off I went on my rant, LOL  My whole world seems to revolve around him when he calls, since I rarely get to chat with him, guess not when I’m preoccupied at being pissed, LOL.

This is sweet little A, I watch her during the day.  She’s now 7mo and has been with me since she was six weeks old, and can easily see her staying with me until she starts kindergarden – should neither of us move.  Talk about keeping baby envy in check….. sort of.  I absolutely LOVE taking care of her, she fits in so well with the family.  I really am very very lucky.  Katherine and her adore eachother.  Katherine has started sniffling at the door when her mom picks her up, poor thing.  Although, once that door is shut she EAGERLY climbs into my lap.  ALL of mommy’s arms are ONLY hers then 😛 

Tomorrow, Ryan from up north, comes down to visit for a few days.  I haven’t told the kids, it is the most delightful thing to see them scream in excitement and jump into his arms.  He’s like a big buddy to them, it’s precious.  He started Katherine into her passion for books (bad bad mommy, doesn’t read them), a love I know I’m going to pay for now as she grabs any book she can find and "reads" them, lol.  Walking by a bookstore with her is just as horrible as attempting to walk by a shoe section with Alyssa!  He went out of town a few weekends ago to the Oregon coast, and picked the girls up a surprise.  Alyssa recieved a gold necklace with her name and a diamond looking stone.  Katherine received a horse on a chain, which she LOVES, especially now that she has one like mommy’s 😛  I received a beautiful necklace with three amythist (sp) stones within a circle, on a chain.  It rests right in front of my heart. He said his sister thinks he picked it up, subcontiously thinking the three stones stood for my "three children".  OMG I’m too sentimental, lol.  I have a huge thing for necklaces too, although since I rarely purchase one the only way I receive them is if they are given to me as a gift.

I look at all he does, all he is, and OMG he can keep up with my CRAZY schedule, kids, horses, lessons, drill team, hours on the computer working until late late, and I certainly have shown him no mercy with my schedule.  If you’re a friend of mine and you choose to tag along, better be ready! LOL  What sucks is that to me he feels like a brother *thumping self upside head*, but no matter what I do I can’t change my feelings.  He knows this, and says that he doesn’t want to loose our friendship, that it’s most important to him.  Awww 🙂  Now, to find that man a kick ass girlfriend.  He needs one!  How come I keep finding guy friends of mine, girlfriends?  I’m a matchmaker, while I stay single ðŸ˜› LOL

Friday is movie night!  JC called today and said she’s pretty sure she’ll be able to make it.  Whoo hooo!!!  I can’t wait to see her again.  I am still seriously consid

ering taking Katherine with me, she’ll love all the dancing.  That girl can really get into moving!  If I ever figure out how to post a video here, I’ll do so.  It’s absolutely adorable.  Her eyes get to twinkling and she starts wiggling, haha.  Today she and I were skipping, twirling and dancing, back to our apartment from the mailbox.  I am such a dork, lol. 

A few days ago my mom said that children who don’t see their fathers start to forget.  That a short period, is a long time for a child.  I worry about this, very much.  The girls father has so many wonderful qualities about him, I want them to remember him regardless of how long it is in between visits.  I’ve asked for a photo of him with each of the girls, so I can hang it above their bed, but that hasn’t happened yet.  Katherine has grabbed an anniversary photo of ours where she is in my arms as a 3-week-old, and carries it around.  Alyssa only really has a photo of when she was first born.  I tend to keep it on my mantle in hopes of keeping it from getting ruined, but occasionally she pulls it down to look at it.  When I let her take some pictures, I found she took a photo of it, it was her before we brought her home from the hospital…..

I hope I can update this soon, giving each girl a recent picture of their very own – just them with their dad.  I asked Alyssa yesterday, what type of things she use to do over at Daddy’s.  She sat thinking for a bit, and said she couldn’t really remember (has it really been that long? – six weeks) but said that she remembers going to Chucky Cheese alot.  HOW SWEET!!  Those are memories that kids carry forever.

I remember as a child, "special time" with my mom.  She was going to nursing school full time and working what seemed to be the rest of the time.  I rarely saw her, but she made it a strong point to always have a "special time" date set that she refused to miss.  Tuesday was my day.  She would pick me up from preschool and take me to a special place.  One time we went to a shoe repair store, and I was able to see how that was done.  I still remember the machines and the old man, as well as the shoe sole he has set up for me to attempt to sew 🙂  Another time to the fire station, I saw a donald duck wheel movie on how to escape a burning house.  To feed the ducks.  Play on the playground.  Visit the book store, sit down for an ice cream cone, visit the sweet store, experience large birds, play dress up, etc.  Goodness, I must have been 4yo or nearing 5yo.  I was a youngster, but these times really made an impression on me.  These events are what enable me to know what is important for my own children.  And in turn they’ll repeat those events with their own children, and it passes through generations. 

I pray, and wish upon that stars outside, that eventually he finds the time to start spending more time with his girls.  To come over for a swim, go on a walk with them, to bring his car over so they can help him wash it, ride bikes together, take them for ice cream, to the movies, to the skating ring, anywhere.  Just time.  Even if he doesn’t have the time to have them over for a whole weekend, that he finds the time to occasionally spend moments of his week with them, doing something to create a memory, to encourage and continue that bond that they have with him.

This is what I pray for.

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