Happy New Year!!

Well, I come here often to read but rarely post – it’s been a few days short of two months since my last post, sad, huh 😛  I thought I’d go ahead and post my blessings and challenges for 2007, as I step into the 2008 year.

This year has certainly been one to be thankful for.  There have been challenges, difficult decisions I need to make, and some eye opening experiences.  I have faced some difficult words and emotions from my family, but all these things are so small compared to the great and incredible things that have happened.

At the start of 2007, I was four months pregnant with Cassidy – the daughter of a very dear friend of mine.  With the gift of my egg, her daughter was conceived and eight years of heart ache, six years of my own dreaming for this child for her, Cassidy was born on May 20th – – delivered by her own mothers hands, surrounded by a room full of people, including my own children and her big sister, as she entered this world and into her family’s arms and lives.  I had always seen the ache in her moms face, now I see her glowing as she talks about and looks at her daughter.  The love between the two is heartwarming to watch.

This Christmas I spent a few days with this family, and since Cassidy was sick I opted to sleep in her room and care for her during the night so her parents could sleep.  Part way through the night when she’d wake up, I’d bring her into bed with me.  It was precious to cuddle with her, and in the mornings we’d wake up before anyone else and her humor was huge.  She’d have me laughing.  I love this little girl so much!  I feel so blessed to have been able to bring her here. 

This December 5th, my first surrogate daughter turned 5yo.  She has grown to be one of the most beautiful children I know, so bright and strong.  Her dad was found to have cancer when she was 4mo, and went through chemo and well as two surgeries.  They wanted another child, but lost their ability.  In April I received a call that he had a minimal count but there was something!!!  We started cycling in August.  It failed.  September failed.  Octobers timing was completely off because the father was traveling on business, it was a shock when I saw that second line on the pregnancy test.  I had tears of happiness as well as relief.  As I step into the new 2008 year, I’m 10 weeks pregnant with a baby sister or brother for my surro-princess, she is going to be soooo excited when she finds out.  Only recently did she learn that she grew in my tummy, her questions were adorable to answer.  My first midwife appointment is this Thursday.  What a blessing, we were given such low odds, we chose to try anyway, and we were successful.  I am still in shock and just amazing.

I feel very blessed for these children, as well as their parents – my two extended families. 

There are so many other blessings that happened this year, but these two stand out the most.  Hopefully within this next year after this baby is born, I’ll be able to get all three of our families and children together and have pictures taken. 

Good luck to all in this new 2008 year 🙂


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