*fall/winter* Cleaning Day

That is all it seems I’ve been doing last night and today, cleaning.  I threw up my hands in trying to keep the girls in their room at night, so am changing things around.  Jonah had my room, a nice big room, while the girls had the little room.  Last night I pulled EVERYTHING out of the girls room, got rid of the sleeping item that was in their, went through clothes and found homes for items outgrown and threw away the too worn ones.  I had gotten quite upset the day before at my son ’cause I went into the room to find my trailer title since it was selling, and was NOT happy with how I could barely move, so the "gutting" was well needed.  What both kids know, is when it comes down to that *I* decide what stays and what goes, and they know not to even peek into the garbage sack, lol

Jonah’s bed was taken apart and moved over into his new room, a comfortable double bed with water tubes.  All blankets hit the wash (3 washes), and I continued to go through boxes, containers, etc.  The book shelf was moved over to the new room, as well as a new black computer desk JC gave us (him) a while ago.  He couldn’t be happier, and it looks pretty good!

Since I woke up this morning, I’ve been doing laundry.  Load after load after load.  I have washed every single blanket, sheets, clothing items…. it’s been going non-stop for the last 14 hours.  Jonah laughed, saying his room smelled like flowers, lol.

I found a GREAT deal on a bunkbed for the girls, although picking it up tonight didn’t pan out since the girl was unable to be reached.  Hopefully it’ll happen tomorrow.  It has a completely railed sides for the top (I am so paranoid about one of my kids falling off) and the bottom folds out into a full size bed.  This will comfortably sleep my youngest (2yo) and myself. 

It’s been nice to go through EVERYTHING, every single clothing item, every single box, but OMFG I am so ready to be done already, but as it looks I’ll be continuing tomorrow.  I’m dragging myself, but I’m thrilled.

It’s been a while since I’ve written, there has been a tramendous amount going on.  I hit quite the emotional slump for about 1 1/2 weeks, facing things that kinds shocked me and felt a "pain" and desire I never expected (long story).  It took a while to come to terms with it, and understand what I was feeling.  I was also dealing with issues with the drill team, still am but in a different light.  Another area where a lot of hurt is felt and seem unable to get past it since it was a slap once again upon something already raw.  I do have a few private entries written about all that occured, I needed to write, but nothing I wanted to post.

I sold my truck last week and trailer this week, the funds going to pay off more bills.  It’s been nice.  I want to say there are a lot to take care of, but although there’s a few small ones, the main ones are quite large.  In time they’ll be taken care of.

I met up with a friend yesterday.  It never seems to amaze me how much time can go by where you dont see someone, and when you finally do it’s as though they were never absent.  Maybe its because of the "thinking about you" every day that occurs, maybe that’s a natural way for staying in touch.  The mother to this baby, and I, are just the same.  Mooonths if not well over a year will pass without us seeing eachother, but when the time finally comes where we do it’s as though we saw eachother just last week.  Same goes for my surrogate daughters parents.  I enjoy friends like these, we all have lives and are all busy 🙂

Uh oh, I feel the sleepiness hitting me. *yaaawn~blink blink*

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