Can’t Sleep

Hmm, imagine that.  It would probably be a good thing if I actually turned OFF the lights and laid down.  Think sleep would hit me then?  Probably πŸ˜›

As I lay here with my back on the couch cushions, I noticed how much my stomach is sticking out.  Thank GOD it’s only one, this was confirmed over a week ago.  I was terrified, literally.  All is good though, and the little critter is an active one!  11 weeks now and I keep thinking I feel tapping here and there, but nothing I’ve ran to the phone to call the parents about.  What a day that will be πŸ™‚

Netflix has been a blast – two movies arrive, we watch them as a family, and have them back into the mail the next morning.  It has been quite enjoyable.  There are so many movies I’ve wanted to see but have been unable to!

I go up to see Diva and Beau this Saturday, two horses I had to let go of when the girls dad and I seperated.  That was one of the hardest things to do.  I couldn’t have asked for a better sinario though – they stayed where I was boarding them, with two people who absolutely cherished the ground they walked on πŸ™‚  Beau, at 34, is still doing very well.  Diva just arrived back from training in Eastern Washington and is riding very well under saddle.  The guy/husband who owns her just pampers her to pieces, it’s the cutest thing.  I cannot wait to visit with both the husband and wife, and wrap my arms around these two horses.  I have missed them terribly.  I am always welcomed to come up and visit whenever I’d like, but with my heart still breaking as much as it has been, it’s hard to go up.  The best is knowing how much their loved and cared for though, and have the BEST of everything as well as anything they could possibly need πŸ™‚  I also gain quite the peace in knowing that should they be unable to be kept in the future, they come back to me….. but as it seems, I really wonder if that day will ever come, and I don’t mind πŸ™‚  It makes me smile how happy everyone is πŸ™‚

The drill team…. as some point I will end up letting loose on this one, but waiting for my emotions to settle first as well as a few other issues.

Finances…. pinch every penny possible (except for treating the kids to pizza tonight) and have been able to take care of quite a few little debts, both personal, sitting at a collection agency, and a few others.  This has been SO NICE!!!  Two years, and counting down, and I want to be debt fee. 

The kids had a lot of fun for halloween.  Their dad took them to this spook walk thing that he feels has become a tradition for him and the kids, they all LOVED it!  Halloween was the next day, and we all went with our next door neighbor and her daughter.  So much laughing and silliness, it was cute πŸ™‚  I have a picture, and hopefully will get it posted tomorrow.

Ok, zombie state hit.  Time for bed.

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