Bird Update

This guy is absolutely incredible.  I couldn’t let the week finish for the trial, I had to let the people I got him from (a bird rescue) know that he was staying.  He is SOOO sweet, quiet, passive, just watches over everyone, and is quite the character come night time.  He is very patient with the kids, while he doesn’t hold back expressing his opinion! LOL

The first night he slept in the livingroom, but I quickly learned that wasn’t going to work since he started squaking when noise was being made.  The following night he slept in Jonah’s room, and he did fabulous!  He screached at Jonah when he got out of bed at midnight (my own little tattle tail, lol) until he got back in bed, and then I later heard him "mumbling" under his cover, haha.

Quiet hour starts at 10pm here (apt complex), and because of this I very quickly learned that Ben (the bird) HAD to be in bed, tucked away in his cage, with lights out and door shut by 9:30pm.  As any kid seems to do, he squaks off and on for 20min or so, and then is quiet – beating the 10pm time.  Jonah, I have found, since his mind is on the bird, quickly falls asleep.  This in itself is a HUGE thing 🙂

Ben talks, plays games, and teases you.  Every day he’s with us his personality grows even more.  Tonight I was playing peek-a-boo with him by moving my head back and forth from his vision and it got him all riled up, he’d hop back and forth on my knees and screach, muttering loudly and then ha-ha-ha-ha! LOL 

Yesterday I introduced him to the mother of the little girl I watch.  She walks over to the cage, that he sits on all day (no caged and locked in bird here) – says, "hello" and in return Ben raises his hand and says, "Hello!"  It was soooo cute!!

I am so madly in love.  He is far better then a dog, much more suitable then a cat, isn’t destructive in the slightest and tollerates the kids so well!  He is becoming much easier in going into his cage at night or if we leave the house, since he is learning that upon our return he’ll immediately be let out – – as soon as I go in to wake Jonah up in the morning, his cage is opened.  Today he spent three hours quietly by himself before calling for me to bring him out into the livingroom to be with us.

Ben’s problem with a cage is understandable.  He has spent a majority of his life locked in a cage.  He was moved to a kids bedroom where parents didn’t pay much attention to how he was being treated and it wasn’t too kindly.  He sure has come back from that well, although I am very careful to watch his requests and make sure the kids listen to him.  I hope in time I can get him a large corner cage.  In the meantime he’s content just sitting on top of his normal size big cage playing with toys during the day.

I am soooo soooo very lucky to have Ben 🙂  Spoiled thing he’ll be being the only pet!  My son who wanted the puppy is very happy we have Ben instead right now.  He knows that when we own a home we absolutely will look at getting a puppy, but not right now.

I still need to post a picture!

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