Another Day…..

I just got home from a day full of errands, and am glad to finally sit down and take a break before cleaning the house.  I’m exhausted.  I am doing my best to keep up on the diaries that I have, for the people that read them and also for myself.  I talked with the girls uncle a few weeks ago, who surprised me by saying he still read my diary, and that it was the only way he knew what was going on with the kids and myself.  Where I originally kept the diary for the girls dad to know what was going on with them in between his visits, their growth and development, he said that he didn’t really read it.  It was nice to hear that the diary was of benifit for someone, and it gave me the drive to keep going with it and not only just here at there entries, but rather regular ones.

Last nights dance was absolutely amazing.  It was the first time in two months that I’ve had a night to myself…. where I was able to go out without the kids in tow.  It meant a lot to me.  Jonathan met me there, the first time I’ve met him in person after talking to him online off and on for three years.  It was wonderful to see Scot again, the leader, as well as Skywalker.  I was impressed with myself, how freely I danced.  Skywalker welcomed me to dance at one point, and I shocked myself as I found myself on the floor in a "prowl" stance that was a part of my dance – I haven’t done that before, but was glad to see myself moving more 🙂

The circle around the cloth that’s layed on the floor, where we all share food at the end is something I look forward to also.  It’s a time to talk and share thoughts, feelings, events occuring in our life, challenges, spiritual lifts we’ve faced.  Although I haven’t talked much, I enjoy the time.  People are often touchy-feely, and the first time I attended it caught me by surprised.  Now it doesn’t.  During coolout/regrounding, I chose to sit on the floor with my eyes closed.  Someone (later I realized who) came and laid her head in my lap.  I placed my hand on her head.  In the circle, Scot layed in my lap.  I placed a hand on the side of his head, and one on his chest – playing with energy again, and expressing through touch how much I cherish our friendship, even though the only time I interact with him is at dance.  I am so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful dancing group, an exceptional leader, and for the friends I’ve developed and all I learn as I observe myself dancing and how it relates to life.  I really need to try harder to get the kids and myself dancing on Friday nights.  Although I use to go on Monday’s, and miss the group of people that attend that dance, Fridays there are less people and the atmosphere is much more appropriate for kids.  They loved it the last time we went 🙂  Next week *repeat to self* – it takes quite a bit of effort to get them all ready and into the car by 7pm, after working until 6pm, to get there by 8pm.  But, it’s well worth it. 

For those who don’t know what estatic dancing is, it’s free form.  As I sat and watched it the first time, it’s like a group of 4yo’s without a care in the world, dancing to their hearts content to music.  No worries about what others think, the perfection of any moves, nothing.  It’s wild, wonderful and refreshing 🙂

The kids had a wonderful sleep in morning.  Katherine woke up first, Alyssa next, and the normal – waking Jonah up my lifting him up in bed had to occur, lol.  That kid sleeps like a rock!  Right now, at 7:45pm, they all are getting ready for bed.  Bed time is at 8pmish, but lights out by 9pm.  They have gotten a bit out of their sleep schedules, and with school starting on Thursday for Alyssa, and Jonah still having to get up at a normal hour, this is starting tonight.

Alyssa was ADORABLE last night with her new friend, they both are leaving me smiling to myself 🙂  She heads over to play whenever she can, yesterday I went to check on her to find the two girls in tu-tu’s, with hair pulled up in a bun, fancy black shoes on, and twirling around – it’s was so precious!  This morning her friend came up to ask if Alyssa could come out to play and for a tea party…. immediately Alyssa left, both girls giggling and chattering away as they walked over to her apartment.  I’m so thankful Alyssa has such a special friend her age that she’s bonded with 🙂

Katherine vocabulary is growing so quickly, as well as her scentance structure and phrasing.  This morning as I was laying down on the couch, I asked if I could have a bite of her donut… "sure!", as she looked over towards her plate.  "I’m sorry mommy – all gone, in my tummy" … awwwww 😀  She also has become quite the smartalick 🙂  This morning her hair was ALL OVER the place – those curls sure create a wild looking head of hair when it’s not pulled back, lol.

Jonah – is quite on my list today.  A near 10yo one who is not staying on top of his obnotiousness very well.  This adjustment back from his dads to the rules and ways of being here at my house, can sometimes be difficult for him.  *Scowl*.

It’s hot!  Sure has brought my tollerance level down.  I am eagerly awaiting bedtime for the kids.  All should crash easily.  I have a few more things here online to do, and then will be ready to work on the house.

Oh – one more exciting thing for me today.  I finally signed up for wireless internet through verizon.  It’s a cute little card that goes into your laptop, allowing you to pick up wireless anywhere you would receive mobile service.  It was roughly the same price as the cable and internet together here at the house.  Now I can take my laptop ANYWHERE (dang near) and still work online 🙂  I realized the importance of this yesterday, and how much more I could get done if I went ahead and did so.  It’s NICE!  As I drove today, the passenger in my car browsed the internet.  Oh this will be nice for roadtrips 😛 

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