Addicted to food?

 Following Aria’s birth, I decided to help a friend who had triplets but wasn’t able to pump enough milk for them because of her PCOS.  She was devoted though, pumping throughout the day while managing her three boys, and ending up with a whole ounce.  1oz.  Soon she got it up to 3.5oz, but never above that.  


Soon it was realized that the one with severe reflux was most likely allergic to something – dairy maybe? – and I went off of wet dairy (sour cream, milk, pudding, etc).  Nope, didn’t work, so ended up doing what is considered the "elimination diet" and have remained so for the last near three months because it DID work.  A second triplet, August, is sensitive as well so is able to have some also.


No Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, Soy, Nuts, Fish, and Corn


At first, "What the hell do I eat???" rambled through my brain.  Basically, I had to completely relook at what I ate and consider a different direction.  Thankfully I have been fairly familiar, for the most part, with eating "differently" so had an idea on different alternative foods that would work.  Unlike other diets I’ve tried in the past, having this precious little boy in my mind is what kept me on track as I would even for a sliver of a moment ponder cheating.  "Just this once" wouldn’t work because the milk would become what he couldn’t drink.


I have been enjoying working with different ingredients to make different treats that I’d like… breads, cakes, icing, etc, but for the most part am finding eating this way very simple.  I feel light, and my body has been slimming down.  To date I have lost 25lbs.  It’s slow going, but I’d prefer not to loose it too fast anyway so I can hopefully limit any sagging skin.  


Do any of you have food sensitive kids?  Would it be helpful at all to post recipes I end up finding very kid friendly?


But, the title, "Addicted to food"…. we really are.  The idea of giving up cake, bread, soda, etc sends one in to a panic it seems.  Even on support groups I’m on a common question is, "How do you give it up??"  Umm, you just do.  It sounds so much like an addiction.  I am thankful to be past it, but do believe if it wasn’t for Gage I wouldn’t have been able to make it.

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I live in the kitchen. I can’t get out of the kitchen most days. I love to bake & cook but at the same time I don’t because I have such a picky family. I’m a vegetarian but my family is not. hows that for “what’s for dinner?”