
What an absolutely incredible day today.  My son has been gone for 4 weeks visiting his dad, and today was our meetup for him to come home [for 4 days before he flies up to Alaska for two weeks to visit my parents].  The family I nanny for on Thurs & Fri is now swapping childcare with me on the other days.  I had their sons overnight a few days ago, they had my daughters last night while I went and visited Cassidy (surro-daughter), and when I went to pick them up this morning their mom was talking about something they had to do that night and I offered to take the boys with me. 

The boys (3yo and 4yo) had a blast.  My van was stuffed with adorable bouncing kids, which traveled very well for the 250mi trip down.  Along the way I picked up my cousin who I haven’t seen for five years.  Herded everyone into the restaurant, ate, ceased arguments before they started, off to the bathroom to change diapers and pull ups – potty time, redressed, and herded on out back to the van.  Loaded everyone on up in time for my son to pull in.

The trip back up was just as easy, but MUCH longer.  Rather then 4hrs it ended up being six with traffic crawling for a little over two of those hours.  Arrived home, herded (’cause that really is what it is! lol) everyone into the house, stripped clothes and diapers off, and dipped the three little ones into the tub.  As I was doing so, I felt so happy…. I love being a mom, and love having so many kids around (five little ones is my limit right now though).  I looked at the giggling 2yo, 3yo, and 4yo in the tub and just smiled.  What cuties!  Into diapers, PJ’s, dinner, and into bed.  They’re almost asleep.  The boys mom will be by in the morning to pick them up.

I was thinking tonight *skipping*, I can go for my foster care license now since I have someone watching the girls!!!  Both of the parents are great, the dad is AMAZING, and the girls are welcomed just like family over there (as the boys are here).  Foster care, I would love to have a child 2yo or under, and would be thrilled to welcome a ‘challenged’ child.  We’ll see what happens, required classes is the first step.

I look at my life with all of these kids and completely realize that I am definitely not done with my family.  Mimi (1st surro-daughter), we are starting on a sibling for her come April.  Cassidy (2nd surro-daughter), possibly starting on a sibling for her in 2010 depending on where I am in my life – ei. if I’m married and we would like to have a child of our own.  We’ll see, life is amazing and although I can throw ideas out on what I’d like, it’s neat to watch to see how everything turns out 🙂

It is wonderful having my son home, what an incredible child.  We had a good talk tonight on our way home about the changes that are being made.  The new way of eating (no sugar), bed time schedules, and how school is the upmost first priority above everything else.  He asked tonight about something to work towards for good grades, he’s working towards an Ipod, which was his request and hope.  I can’t wait to see him succeed this year.

Time to clean now that all the kids are sleeping.  Work starts early come 8am 🙂  I have a 3mo boy being dropped off.  I think we’ll all take a walk and head over to the park come the late morning.

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