
The girls are off with there dad, and where do I spend a childfree weekend?  Cleaning the house.  How sad is that, lol.  I spent friday thoroughly cleaning the kitchen, absolutely everything is wiped off and out, and if it didn’t belong in the kitchen it was removed.  It looks great in there!  Except for the OLD counters that never will look clean – I wish they put new ones in before I moved in.  I’m hoping to get finished enough to where I can steam clean the carpets.  It’s FAR easier to do this with the girls gone, then here, lol.

I had a difficult night last night.  Not only did AF finally start, my first since delivering my surro-daughter, but it turned out that Cassidy’s parents were waiting for me in Canada.  An email that her mom sent on Saturday with pictures, letting me know they would be on vacation and looked forward to me coming up on Friday, never arrived.  So, since I never heard if it was ok to still come (plans can change), I ended up not leaving.  Not only do I look forward to seeing Cassidy again, but I also looked forward to seeing her mom.  Her mom is a very special friend to me, and I miss her a lot.  When I didn’t hear from her though, I started worrying.  She has a medical condition, and I fear the day arriving where I loose her.  As far as seeing Cassidy, I have been receiving so many pictures!  I’ll see her again soon enough 🙂

Last night I was talking to Blake (man friend), and I heard rustling outside.  I didn’t go check it out, just thought about how much commotion there was with it being midnight.  Not too long later I heard a diesel engine.  I opened the door to see fire up the side of the wall.  Someone had set a baby stroller that belonged to my friends upstairs, on fire.  It was up against the wall, which has now left the wall a bit damanged.  Thankfully a guy was outside smoking a cig and saw the flames and called the fire department.  There has been so much vandalism here, it’s sad 🙁  The pool has been closed many times because of vandalism, as well as damaged and (supposedly) stolen cars.  As this area has grown, a quite well off wealthy area, crime has risen quickly 🙁  I miss the quiet little town it was only four years ago.  Part of the reason I chose to move to this area.

This morning I weighed in at 169.5.  Two more pounds lost.  I know it’ll be a pretty dramatic loss for a bit, and then it’ll start to slow down.  I’m enjoying feeling clothes becoming looser on me.  On my front page I’m keeping a log of the date and weight – it’s interesting to look it back over.  Today is day five.  I have a minimum of five more days to go.

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