
Here we go again, the "how quickly can I type up an entry while maintaining my thought process, before the kids need something, LOL

Well that didn’t last long – an hour later, and here back I am again! LOL

Lets see, the diet.  I am loving it, but still certainly struggle to eat.  I am just not an eater.  I am having a field day with all the fruits and vegetables though.  The barley rice is YUMMY!!  I picked up Pita Bread yesterday, and really enjoy the taste of that as well as the more natural ingredients.  The kids are loving it also, since their favorite foods are fruit/veg.  I need to find free range chicken, although I am having a hard time with the idea of eating chicken.  This is a whole ‘nother topic though.  Beans! LOL

Exercising is going well, we’re now up to walking 3mi every morning.  Today was the first time we went from the 1.5mi with small hills to 3.0mi with larger "work that ass" hills.  I love it!!  I’m not too keen on things when I’m hauling myself out of bed at 5am to get the kids ready, into the jogger, and out the door by 5:45am, but when I hit that refreshing morning air I am thrilled to be out there.  It really is something to do this all with another person, it keeps you going.  I haven’t cheated food wise at all, no sugar (well, except for honey), no crap.  The nicest thing is to feel how much lighter and full of energy I feel, I’m not "weighed down".  My mind is clearer too 🙂

I did feel a bit of disappointment when I weighed myself yesterday, only to find I was still 177.5.  I held that weight all week, even though I had been working my butt off.  But, I did have to buy the next size down in pants, I know my theighs are starting to shrink, and working with horses I know how it takes two weeks for their body to adjust to a new eating and exercise routine before results really begin to be seen.  So, I figure after next week it should start coming off better 😉 LOL

The kids seem to enjoy the walk.  They occasionally fall back asleep, but often just stay away feeling the air and watching things also.  They are going to bed at 6:30pm, so they still get their good stretch of sleep time.

Now, the funny thing is here I’ll loose all this weight and have a HOT body back again (20lbs by the end of august, I’m determined, lol)…. only to have a sibling for Mimi (my 1st surro-daughter).  Oh well 😛  It’s still worth it completely!

Kids are all doing great – puppy still has me up to go potty at 2am *yawn*

Man – he’s doing well.  We had one questionable spot, but he talked.  We talked.  I guess it’s more about learning how we both communicate and what our body languages mean.

Whoo hoo!  I made it through the entry!  haha

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