
On the 30th I tried to make an entry that didn’t go through, and I just didn’t have the energy to retype it all again since when I typed it the first time I was in tears.  James, the little tyke I was caring for, died.  I felt like when it happened, and I spoke quietly to him as he paniced and was fighting his body shutting down, my heart was being ripped from my chest.  I had fallen hard for him, and I so deeply wanted him to live even though I knew the chances were extremely slim.  I had tried to find a vet to see him the day before, I knew something was terribly wrong in his tummy/intestines, but had no luck after three different vet offices.  I woke up the morning of the 30th and immediately called the local office again and took him in at 11:45am.  What a sweetheart of a vet, James was treated so respectfully by him….. he looked at me in amazement and said that it was such a rarity for this animal at his age to have survived for as long as he did, that he was amazed at the job I had done – and what we were dealing with had nothing to do with the care I had given him…. that made me feel good, but still sad wishing I could have done something more to heal him now.  At 3:15pm though, he died 🙁  I still miss him terribly.  My heart still aches for what he could have been.

I called the Humane Society yesterday, and went in for an interview today.  The time is here for me to go ahead and foster orphaned kittens.  I did make sure that once they hit 6 weeks old and is on food, that they are moved out of my home and into another foster home that prepared them to be adopted (at 8wks).  I’m excited.  Now that all of that is finished and papers are filled out, I will thoroughly enjoy my sleep and prepare myself for sleepless nights soon 🙂

Alright, off to pick kids up from school now.


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