
*mommy sigh*  OMGoodness, I am so in love with this little tyke.  He is just the cutest and most precious thing!  Tiny, but just the same.  It is suspected that he is 10 days old now, having come to me when he was 3 days old.  It certainly is hard work, not easy in the slightest.

At 12:00 I had just sat down to feed him his ‘dinner’ before going to bed for the night (3hrs 😛 ), when instead my son called to me.  His dog got a bone caught over her lower jaw, and an immediate trip to the doggy ER was in order.  Little Prince had to wait, and he did great not insisting on anything while we went there and came back home.  Once home though, "I’M STARVING!!!!!".  He just finished eating, says he wants nothing more (and pushes the syringe away with his tiny paw while turning his head).  Now it’s time for bed, it’s after 2am and I’m very very tired.

Ok – my brain suddenly went o dead spinningness, LOL

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