
Quick update here… haha, right, when is it ever quick?  Well, I’ll try!!

Mimi is almost 6yo!!  Wow, time flies.  She was my first born surro-daughter.  She is so strikingly gorgeous!  Maybe soon here I’ll do a photo post of everyone 🙂

Cassidy is 18mo now, and still remains set in her ways.  She has amazing parents to guide her and her strong will in this world, lol.  Mom is fairing alright in England right now battling the rare form of blood cancer that she has.  I miss her!  I can’t wait for her to return, Dec. 18th is the goal date.  I can’t wait to give her a big hug.

Loraine, now 4mo.  Just amazes me, seems as though she was born just yesterday.  She is growing QUICK and remains on the 95% – chubby one 🙂  I just recently decided it was time to stop pumping.  Well, basically my life became extremely busy and with that my supply dropped.  It’s ok though.  She received a little over 4mo of mama-milk – lucky girl!


Jonah is THRIVING in his new school, I couldn’t love it more.

Alyssa is still the queen of socialization, it’s quite adorable.  She sure is strikingly gorgeous.  Her and Mimi look quite alike 😀

Katie is the princess, who leaves people grinning often.  She’s a cutie!!


We have a new member of our family, Chase.  He’s 13yo and one long very difficult and heart crushing story comes with him.  He lived down the street, and asked to move in a month ago.  He is thriving here, but I have a long road in front of me.  Custody papers are being filed, with adoption a strong possibility in the future.  He’s an amazing child, but was not doing well in any possible form at home —- nor were his parents.  Now, everyne is happy.  He is thriving, our family is blessed to have him a part of ours, mom and he are able to have a relationship now, and his step-dad and he are able to tollerate being around eachother.  Win-Win for everyone.  I’m trying to keep up a blog… http://hillandhammonfamily.blogspot.com



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