
Finally I have a moment to write where my eyes are not rolling and I’m ready to fall asleep, although it is 2am.  I finished cleaning the kitchen and I’m working on the laundry right now.  The kids did a great job destroying the livingroom so that’s next on the list.  Not too much, really, but with kids working the house behind me it takes a while to get it clean and then have it REMAIN clean.

The kids had a blast of a Halloween – once I receive pictures from the friend that took them, I’ll post them.  My 3yo decorated and dressed herself in what she wanted to – she looked EXCELLENT.  My 8yo chose to cut her hair, at the perfect timing to be Snow White.  It looks adorable short!  Although, I do miss it long too.  She wants to grow it back out though.  My 11yo son also chose his own makeup and costume.  I gave him $20 and everything was his choice.  He came up with the excellent idea of the QFC Satan Checker, colored his face red and put horns on.  A friend gave him the apron and then a name-tag with "Satan" written on it.  He was priceless 🙂

I cant believe how well my ex and I are getting along.  I’m thankful, and thrilled.  He really has been amazing.  I hope it continues 🙂  All of his wonderful qualities are surfacing, although in admitance it also has brought up some sad feelings too.  I expected those though.  Through them I had a few good conversations with him regarding where we came from before and hope to be in the future.  It’s also nice to hear his point of view on things.


…… and here it is the next night, 11:47pm. 


For the quiet day today was suppose to be, it sure got busy QUICKLY!  I continued to work on cleaning the house (as it seems the kids destroyed it behind me as I went), and went to go take a look at a 3bd apartment/townhome about 5mi away.  It’s NICE!!!!  I’m seriously considering moving there.  There are only a few more left, if they are all gone by the time I finish my paperwork and gather what they need, I’ll go on the waiting list.

We’re having an issue getting my sons dog to be accepted.  She’s a golden retriever, but their weight limit is 20lbs.  So, she is now considered a "service dog" and I’m learning all the ADA rules and regulations regarding service dogs.  It shouldn’t be a problem to get her in, hopefully it all goes smoothly.

And there goes my brain again.  How come I come on here to type when I’m so exhausted? *yawn*  Going to go lay down now.

Oh, quick sidenote.

I am onto my third cycle, as we work towards a sibling for my first surro-daughter who’s almost 5yo (what a cutie!!!).  I knew I had the cards stacked against me, with low count and motility, but it’s still hard.  We insem tomorrow *day 14* (since the dad will be out of town on Mon and Tues), and depending when monitor and sticks say I’m ovulating, we may do another insem on Wednesday when he returns.  I hope it works.

In the meantime I’m working hard at getting what body I can back. 

For those of you who are running/jogging/biking, here’s a neat website:  http://www.mapmyrun.com


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