
Super quick entry here – I’m exhausted!

So much for writing every day regarding my diet and meals I cooked, oh well 😛  I’m still eating like that though – I’ll try to do more with the writing on that later.  Atleast I’ll mention if I’ve lost more weight when I do 🙂

I took my first foster care licensing class today, first of quite the handful.  I have classes on 11/01, 11/06, 11/08, 11/15, 11/17, and 12/06.  I think I have that right.  Then there’s the home visits.  I’m so excited.  My child of preference is the disabled child from birth to 3, only one child or two if they’re siblings.

The class went well, it was quite long though  – 9 to 5.  During lunch I ran out to my car and pumped for 15min, but since I didn’t have a cold cooler with me I had to pump and dumped.  That was fine, better then my supply dropping.  Since I’ve started exercising I’ve noticed the amount I pump daily going down, leaving me to try to fit in more pumping sessions and for a little longer length in time.  I’ve brought it back up a bit, which is good.

Mimi (almost 6) and Loraine (14 weeks), their dad sent me halloween pictures of them yesterday, talk about a [surrogate] mama’s heart melting!!  I’m so proud of those girls 😀  Cassidy (18mo) mom is in England right now, but am sure I’ll having a halloween costume picture when she returns 🙂 

I’ll try posting some pictures tomorrow 😀

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