
Well I keep trying to type an entry and continue to be distracted and have to stop.  So, now that I am barely able to keep my eyes open I’m going to try to type out a quick entry.  Ha – quick entries for me still seem to turn out like books!
Things have been going well – well, you know, in between the craziness, confusions, the "what the hell is going on???", and all the other fun stuff of day to day life of a single mom with a handful of children, three of my own and what seems to be the rest of the neighborhood.  This weekend I had a little boy stay over, a child who’s become my sons best friend.  This is the second weekend he’s slept over both Fri and Sat night.  We have an issue with food with him, complete Mr. Picky!!  Yesterday I had it, and after stewing all day I had a discussion with him.  Pickiness is not allowed here anymore, and after a "thank you bite", if he doesn’t like what’s been made to eat he can go home to eat.  He only lives a few buildings over.
Cassidy, my beautiful (surrogate) daughter just turned 5mo.  What a gorgeous little girl!!!  It’s been wonderful to continue to receive the pictures that I do, and my close friendship with her mother continues to remain strong.  Some point here I’ll have to post a new picture of her 🙂
Well, this month isn’t looking too hopeful at all for conceiving a sibling for my 1st surro-daughter, Mimi, (now almost 5yo).  Last month failed, and this month sure looks like it’s going to.  I’m waiting on AF to show up, it feels as though it’s right around the corner.  The parents are going to be checking into using a clinic and go through IUI’s again.  Mimi was conceived this way, it’s quite easy.  I knew going into this that the cards were well stacked against me.  The father went through chemo 4 years ago, and although his sperm went from nothing back up to something, I am working with a low count and low motility.  The chances of conception are very slim.  I am still hoping, I feel it will work eventually…..
… in the mean time I continue on with my normal life.  Drill practice (horses) has been a blast!  Each week I learn more and more and our team is getting better and better.  I love our drill coach and how hard she works us.  I love that the training that I am doing on the mare that I’m riding during practice is showing results.  On Sundays, it is just my day.  I get to step away from being a mom and all the mom duties, and go riding.  It’s wonderful 🙂
And the most interesting event…. my van is going out.  Something about the engine, and as I pulled in tonight I know it’s going to need to now just sit.  I’m not sure what to do yet, but I’m hunting out for a bike.  Yes, I know we’re going into winter, but it’s a decent form of transportation.  The nice thing is that I live close to everything I need, from the stores as well as the horses.  I have been talking about picking up excersising in attempt to loose weight and create a healthier body, guess I’m just being pushed into it now 🙂
So many more thoughts and such, but might as well end it here.  I’ll try to type at a later time.

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