…run away fast as you can..

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heard this song and i immediately thought of d…

lately…it’s not so bad, i am getting used to not needing him..


it was an addiction..that has evolved to phantom itch..


not going to get mushy…but yes…my feelings will always remain..even if i’ve never said those 3 words to his face..it’s obvious

speaking of which..someone i’ve recently met, grew up where he lives…we were discussing this place..and she said that i lit up like a christmas tree during the conversation..


umm..ok..so onto what is currently stressing me out…

college!! went to a meeting at ari’s school..they were discussing sat..act..and all i am thinking is wtf..not ready for my baby to be a lady..


i’ve been talking in my sleep again…wish i could record it..only know that i woke myself up at 6 am..but have no clue as to what i had said..

sleepy..back to work tomorrow…and i’m out…((poof))



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December 3, 2010

college, crazy man…hoping to visit you guys soon but i’ve just been really down, don’t want to do ****…take it easy yoshi.