..no one man should have all that power..

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yeh..kanye again..heh..can’t stand him..but musically, i have no choice but to acknowledge his talent..

confused..he responded to my email..all very logical..and he brought up some good points…

going to chew on it for a while..and swallow at my leisure..

dreamnt with him..we were at an apartment..it was mine, but not..someone came up w/the brilliant idea of a party..it was out of control..a sole cop patrolling noticed the ganja smoke billowing out the window..i ran up the stairs to do some damage control..kicked everyone out..and found d with this female cousin of mine..she has an hourglass body shape..what man can resist that right?..i pulled him by the back of his neck..threw him on a bed..he didn’t know it was me..i started molesting him..as he stayed in fetal position hiding his face under a hoodie..he finally realized who i was and began to participate..my glasses were in the way (i never wear them) so i took them off and said "i don’t need to see anyway"..

had another dream w/ash..we had a few hours to spare and were trying to figure out what to do w/them..he suggested an out of the way amusement park..but i knocked that idea down..we needed better planning for that..


i snapped at quite a few people at work..tired of it already..come new year..will consider a career change..

no energy to do my nails or shave my legs..going straight to bed..eff it..

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