…gas face..

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looking at pics of lee on facebook…miss him a little..noticed he’s now single..and his ex-wife is now flaunting pics of herself w/her new man..my heart goes out to you ash…for a second i thought about how i should call to see how you are..but then i’d hurt both of us in the process..

there may be many things that i wish..but as far as d goes..i want him to be happy..the same for ash..they both are special to me in different ways..

ash will always represent the innocent little girl that lives in me

d, you are my twin..mind, soul, and body

soon to be on my shit list employee calling my work phone…not picking up..

and yeh..i should go to sleep, but i’ve been sitting here lost in thought…

this song goes out to lee’s ex-wife..bitch that you are..i could have taken your husband a long time ago..but respected his country boy morals..


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i could have taken your husband a long time ago..but respected his country boy morals… That would make you worse than she is. Homewreckers are the worst type of woman.

November 27, 2010

thank you anonymous noter..notice i said “could” but ahh i didn’t..big difference