..dil yeh bechain ve raste pe nain ve..

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its close to 3:30 am, got home from work 20 minutes ago..

work, a mess..and it snowed..still waiting for my toes to thaw as my rinky-dinky flats were soaking wet from trooping it through the slush…

trains were running every 20 minutes or so, so i bought an elle decor magazine for shits and giggles..it was either that or one of those ghetto booty magazines, umm no thanks..

interestingly enough i found myself wanting things..things ive never cared about before..like chandeliers, and other home related accessories..found a wall paint color that i MUST have in the new apartment that i havent gotten yet..

i am trying my hand at one of those luxury apartment lotteries..the building is brand new and in upper, upper, upper manhattan..but i dont care..why not throw my name in the hat and see what happens right?

so im going to create an album with clippings, drawings, pictures, of what i want in this new life that im mapping out…just a wish book i guess..something to cheer me up..a little dream tucked in my pocket..


d only came to mind maybe a few times today..but everytime he dances behind my eyes i think of two negative things to push him away

im lowering his volume to barely a whisper..just a hint of wind


even though it was freezing cold..i pretended that i was living in this video as i was walking home…youtu.be/6-XblmAGqkk





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