..blessing the floor w/the places you stepped in..

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slept very little..there was no hot water this morning…me and cold showers do not mix..

was not a happy camper..went through the motions at work..wanted to be alone..but people kept calling..hanging out in my office..

i bit my tongue and allowed the distractions..better that than allow thoughts of him..

stopped counting how long it’s been since we last communicated…reminders are less frequent..

in the past i would delete all pics..texts..etc..but this time around i have not….

i’m sure the reason will come to me..perhaps it’s a self test of strength..

have to wake up at 5 am…hopefully my friday ends early..

didn’t take pics….wasn’t feeling it..

and so i’ll end the entry with this….http://www.youtube.com/watch


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