Roll Tide
Today was a rather good and relaxing day. Shane watched football (Alabama won, duh) and I played The Sims 3. It’s one of my addictions, along with Sunkist. I swear they have to put crack something addictive in that stuff… but it’s sooo good. Don’t try to pass an orange Fanta off as being the same thing, cause it ISN’T.
I also made a Butterfinger cake, and it was awesome as they always are when I make them
I’m starting to have Facebook withdrawals… but I’m still sticking with my "want to know what’s going on with me then come the fuck SEE ME" thing. I’m tired of communicating my life problems through letters on any type of screen. I need just plain old fashion human social interaction type stuff. If you want to "be here for me" then I would think that means HERE for ME ….. not there, wherever YOU are, when it’s convenient for YOU, to be there for me. So I’m still sayin no to the facebook.
Shane and I plan to go to my brother’s next Saturday and watch the football game with them. I haven’t seen them in a few months, and I have missed them terribly. I even miss my annoying little nephews.
I intend to have a memorable holiday season, and make it the happiest as I can in my situation with certain other things. I have a great guy with the best family, and I have an amazing brother and his awesome wife who’s always been more of a mom but is now more like a sister. They have to be enough for me right now.
And it is.
It’s more than enough
RE: Thanks! And I agree- Fanta sucks.
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Fanta is terrible! Good for you with no FB, I’ll be there one day!
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RYN: MST3K is the best thing when you’re in a bad mood. Are you a fan of Joel or Mike?
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RYNs: I’m a fan of Mike. I like Joel, but I think he was too focused on the gadgets and running gags. The Mike era also had a plot in the stuff between the movie, which I liked. Prosebox is a blogging site much like OD. A lot of OD people are moving there, with all problems here.
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