Getting right with my soul
So I love to garden and I love to cook. These are new things I’ve discovered about myself since being with Shane. He is the reason I believed in myself enough to try and do both, and with a little trial and error I have learned a lot and developed new things to be passionate about. Tending to my little African Violet’s, Orchids, and different herbs in the morning and evening is a favorite part of my day. To watch them grow from just a seed to such a beautiful plant, is incredible. I guess that is the green thumb in me… instead of the crazy cat lady I am the crazy go to the flower section of the grocery store, buy dying flowers, revive and multiply them lady. I’ve done an awesome job so far
Then cooking, mostly my passion there is baking, specifically desserts. I’ve cooked a different dessert almost every other day for the past 4 or 5 months. And I’ve only gained two pounds! but that’s not exactly a good thing. I’ve been going to the doctor because of my sudden and drastic drop in weight. But anywho, I’m getting good in the kitchen
It’s crazy how one person can change you so much. But not in a forced way, just being around them makes you want to be a better person and try new things kind of way. I know I sound like a lovesick teenager still… but oh well, it’s my diary
It’s almost October and that means in less than 3 months I will be 25…. wow. Just wow. And Shane turned 20 in April
But now I know for 110% I am ready to get married, and start a family with Shane. I have had enough experiences with the wrong people to know just how right he is for me, even with a 5 year age difference. I believe that there is the perfect person out there for you, which I always did, it was just a matter of waiting until it was the right time… I was waiting for him, and I see that now. All of the feelings I had before about wanting more, to experience more, to feel more…. all of those feelings are gone because I have that now.
I have my forever
"And it makes me wanna take a back road
Makes me wanna take the long way home
Put a little gravel in my travel
Unwind, unravel, all night long
Makes me wanna grab my honey
Tear down some two-lane country, who knows
Get lost and get right with my soul"
I’m so excited for you!

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that’s actually really adorable, about the searching for the dying flowers & reviving them!!
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You are still in the honeymoon phase… it is so cute! I wish you the best hun. I want to get into gardening too. =-) just nowhere for plants at the moment.
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