We have returned, May 16 2024

We have returned. An Über picked us up at an almost secret location near the Alaska Airlines terminal. A pleasant fellow named Terry was our driver. The Über was a Tesla S model. He got us home promptly (with some suggestions as to what to avoid on Hwy. 50 near our house). I opened the doors both front door and our bedroom door (using brass keys), was appreciative to come to rest on the heated seat of one of our two Toto Washlets. After a bit of putzing around, I retuned to the street, wondering as to why SO had not come in.
Terry had previously lost his Tesla key and was using the Tesla APP (on his cell phone) to open and lock his Tesla. When he stepped out of the Tesla to help us with our luggage, the door to the Tesla locked … with his cell phone inside. Tsk, tsk!!
He used my wife’s cell phone to call Tesla for assistance. He reached a recording that said that they were closed for the evening, and to call back in the morning. TSK, TSK, TSK, Tesla!!
We have been away for five weeks. Many tales to tell. Many insights to shares. We have, through our travels, been privy to things of joy and things surprizing. I will assemble the stories according to my interest in them as well as in accordance with my meager skills as a writer.
I thank you now and in near-term future for your indulgence.
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May 16, 2024

5 weeks is a long trip! I’ll bet it’s good to be home again.

May 16, 2024


look forward to hearing your tales.

May 17, 2024

Wow!  What an adventure!  Can’t wait to hear all about it!