Rudy Shall Return Anon
For those of you who know me on Facebook as Rudy Oglethorpe, my recent lack of volume is not of my own choosing. I have, once again, been thrown into Facebook Jail. The sad and totally inappropriate thing about Facebook is that they accumulate your offenses, and add to the sentencing for each subsequent “crime” as though they were “prior convictions”. Of course, they were not convictions in any rational sense. There is, on Facebook, nothing that could be described as a “judicial process”.
My first offense was to post, as a comment on someone else’s post, an image of woman whose rather large breasts were frontally visible. Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg is terrified by the sight of a woman’s nipples. Maybe it was a childhood trauma that occurred while he was giving suck at his mother’s breast. Perhaps a terrorist burst into the room at that moment armed with a terrifying “ASSAULT” .22 bolt action rifle. I do not have knowledge of the facts, I was not there. I DID NOT DO IT!! Facebook followed up by removing the restriction by saying. “Re Nude breasts We understand that mistakes happen, so we didn’t restrict your account” However, in the current restriction, that “offense” is cited.
In a later post I wrote, “We have a unlikeable President who is even less popular than his Vice President, who came up through the ranks by performing sexual acts with her mentor, Willie Brown. So, Facebook censors, are you going to be nasty to me, and give we bad points once again because I speak the truth?”
After restricting my account, and my objecting, the replied, “We reviewed one of the posts that led to this restriction again, and it did follow our Community Standards.”. Yet, in the current restriction, Facebook cites both of these posts/comments without reference to the subsequent exoneration.
The third offence involves this comment: “Total fag … not a good actor …. mostly useless. If you cannot take the truth, FUCK OFF.” Okay. I get that Facebook does not understand the evolution of the English language. I have been the Chair of our church Reconciling Committee. To decode that, it has to do with reconciling the differences within the church bewteen those who accept gays and Lesbians, etc into the church versus those who are not welcoming of them. The homosexual members of the LGBTQ ….. community fully accept terms such as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual. Queer, etc. Had I substituted the term Gay or Queer for Fag, Facebook would likely have had as great a shit fit.
The faggots at Facebook are simply out of touch with the current freedom of use of language that is a part of the LGBTQ community.