Fake Plastic Smiles
Just a thought
If Christians are supposed to be followers of Christ, and be like him and do what he did and not do what he didnt do, why is it so nearly impossible to find any that fit that description?
Yes, I know the whole sinful nature and human condition arguments. But dont you think that God wouldve taken that into account when he told people to follow him and be like him and do his work on the earth?
Maybe amazing grace isnt all that powerful after all if it cant even change the actions and attitudes of people who claim to be followers of Christ.
Or perhaps, as I told Allie last week (I probably shouldnt say that because it could cause trouble ), the entire Christian church is full of shit.
I almost hope that God IS real so that someday all these fakes and posers and people who think theyre doing Gods will get to see him face-to-face. I hope I get to watch as the blood drains from their fake plastic smiles as he says Depart from me, you worker of iniquity I never knew you, and they get cast into hell.
I don’t know if you intended that your questions be answered or not. But, in case, I’m going to leave you with this quote. “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.” Anyone who tells you that being a Christian makes you perfect needs to spend some more time learning what their faith is about. At least, that is my two cents. (cont.)
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if it were possible for people to be perfect, they wouldn’t need a savior. I believe that God didn’t make us perfect because he wanted us to make a choice to follow him. Something you work for is usually more valuable to you than something you are just given. sorry if this feels like a mini-sermon. That wasn’t my intention. I just have a lot to say on the subject, I guess. Peace,
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I understand what your saying as a Christian i’v actually felt the same about some christians I know.the thing that ppl dont realise is you need to look at Jesus as a example of what Christians should be.cause why look at the imperfect followers when you have the creator and son whom are perfect as examples? ya know what i’m sayin?
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