Being as how Easter is almost here, and given that Im probably going to have to try and explain this when my parents ask me to come to church with them and theyre going to want to know why Im not going to, I figured Id write a little something on belief.
According to polls, the vast majority of Americans consider themselves to either be Christians or believe in God. I find this rather amusing because the vast majority of American act nothing like what a Biblical Christian should.
I think this discrepancy may stem from peoples definition of what true belief is.
Many people tend to assume that belief is merely an intellectual thing. They think, Oh, I believe that. People say that they believe in God because they have heard an argument and have had things shown to them and they subliminally decide that they can buy it. They think that because they can swallow what theyve been told and shown that they are now a believer, which I dont think is a Biblical form of belief. They are more of an agreer than a believer. Yet agreeing with a set of facts (or supposed facts) doesnt mean that you believe.
People tend to assume that belief is a state of mind. I think that true belief, especially when pertaining to God, is something that will completely guide a persons life if it is real.
Its very easy for a person to say that they believe in God, but the test of whether they truly believe or not is by looking at their actions.
One thing that people truly believe in is gravity. Gravity isnt something that people think about and only believe in their head. Their concrete belief in the law of gravity, and their belief in what the consequences will be if they attempt to break that law, are what steer people throughout their lives and keep them from harm. This is what true belief will do-anything less is nothing more than saying empty words.
Church people love to talk about how loving and forgiving God is, yet there are many parts of the Bible they tend to ignore or overlook because they arent pleasant to think about and tend to make it a little harder to be a true Christian than just repeating a prayer and thinking that God is real. Things like Gods justice and judgment, his holiness (and the fact that he demands it from his followers), or how he also commands people to love him more than anything else including family or their own life (love meaning action, not just feelings).
If people honestly believed that the God of the Bible was real and that he really is who the Bible says he is, there would be a drastic change among American churchgoers and those who say they believe in God.
If people truly believed that God hates sin as much as the Bible says, and that he will punish those who continue in it, people in churches would have much less in common with us heathens than they do today. They wouldnt swear like we do, they wouldnt have the same divorce rate that we do, promiscuous sexual activity wouldnt be as high as it is in churches, priests wouldnt be molesting little kids, and so on and so forth.
If people honestly believed that Jesus was tortured and killed on their behalf, they would serve and follow him gratefully and without hesitation. If they honestly believed that the Bible is true (and if it really is and there was some power to back their belief), the American church wouldnt be the spineless, fearful, whimpering fledgling that it is.
The reason that the American church is the way that it is, and why American Christians have very little Godly effect on the world, is because those who make it up (or profess to) dont have a concrete belief. They arent convinced of what the Bible says or even what they profess to believe. Their belief is more honestly an I hope so instead of an I know so.
I once read a true story about a man in England who was convicted of brutally murdering some people. He was sentenced to death and while he was being lead to the gallows to be hung, a priest was walking alongside him reading from the Bible.
What are you doing? asked the condemned man.
Im reading you the comforts of religion, was the reply from the priest.
The condemned man stopped in his tracks and looked the priest square in the eyes. If I honestly believed that there is such a dreadful place as the hell which you Christians describe, I would crawl on my hands and knees on broken glass, over the whole of England, just to keep one soul from such a wretched place.
The guards pulled the prisoner along and the priest stood their speechless. The priest watched as the man was led up the gallows and listened as the man cursed God with his dying breath.
The reason that the American church is such a joke is because of those who compose it. The reason that so many people wrongly think theyre going to heaven (the Bible says many will think that theyre going there, but many will be unpleasantly surprised when they die {Matthew 7:21-23}) is because American Christians are not the faithful witnesses that their Lord commanded them to be.
Anyhow, it isnt very often that I get all preachy here, and even less often that I actually stick Bible verses in my entries (amazing that I do it at all since Im quite heathen ), but I figured that since so many people think about God this time of year that it might be appropriate.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Jesus Christ-Matthew 7:21-23
Tell me Anything @–}—
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heh quite a long entry…but from what I read while skimming you make a very good point…my parents gave up a long time ago fighting me tooth and nail to drag me into church so now I sleep in every Sunday….of course I still rather enjoy easter as my parents give me a basket full of candy 🙂
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well…. this is really really long.. so when I get around to reading it I’ll leave an actual note.
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Believe or not as you wish. I would point out, having learned Socratic thinking, that your Gravity argument proves God. Gravity, as you point out, is a Law, hence there is a Law Giver as sure as two plus two equal four. Being that God is more than we can possibly know, I would not pretend to judge God’s capacity for forgiveness and compassionate understanding. Peace be upon you.
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Well my beleive is that people want a god so that they can beleve they are special and closer to sumthing others are not, to comfort them, maybe think theyll have a good after life.Ever see that Simpsons where they all get brainwashed to believe in “the leader” thats what it is, I love The simsons they explain in Humor and in English! Pink-D-
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Thanks for the note, and good point; I’m sure that’s why God promised to never do it again…
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Religion/belief stuff is so frustrating! Urgh. Well, have a good one.
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by the way…what do you mean “American” Christians? My tone here is of curiosity…plus I’m not sure I’d call myself American.
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For quite sometime, until I went thru my significant others first year of sobriety, I would not believe that there is a god, n still do, I choose to call it a higher power, there is something out there, but other people choose to call it God, I am not a church goer, but I feel, I have a great spiritual life, and that is all that matters to me…No one needs it down there throat…
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thats true… thats why ive been starting to pull away
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Hear, hear. There are very few true Christians in the world.
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Thats true. You have a good concept of what true belief is. But remember people make mistakes. We’re not perfect. By the way referring to your note that you left me, I am in counceling and it doesnt do a bit of good. I need to get my life on track. I need to start acting upon my beliefs. So thank you for that entry. Youve helped me become stronger in the Lord. In Christs love. Amber
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RYN: of course you don’t have to,I’d miss you if you did, but you don’t assume things either.
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Just because you dont have the same beliefs as a “church” person does, doesnt mean that you cant be knowledable about it. Although I guess if you were really smart then you would believe God. In Christs love. Amber
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Most people aren’t going to heaven I would think….
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Well Jaimie, this was an excellent entry. And I think you are just about a hundred percent right in what you say about belief. It has to be all or nothing. But the one thing I don’t understand. You say that “Christians” focus only on God’s love and forgiveness, instead of on his holiness. But you leave Him no room to BE loving. You only focus on His demanding holiness.
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So I guess we all need to even out our views of God perhaps. Cause viewing him as only loving, or as only fire and brimstone, isn’t really seeing him as who He is. Or what all he is. Ya know?
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not being christian, american, or heathen (you do realise that that word only means anything to christians, right?), i’m going to put a note here anyway: well, two: 1. compassion. it’s all about compassion. the book was about compassion, people are meant to be about compassion, jesus and god are about compassion. 2. Let those without sin cast the first stone, right?
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wow… a long entry which im planning on reading later tonight since im at work right now im sure ill agree on most of it though since my view of religion isnt… well the best anyway… ill let you know my opinion later when i can propperly do the entry justice take care
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Well sweetpea, this note is going to be rather pointless, but I miss you and wish you were here to talk to (I have a dude complaining to me about his debt and girl problems) and that’s about all… see ya
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If you don’t believe in God, what is there to look forward to in life? What is the reason for going on, or even getting out of bed in the morning? No wonder most people in the US are depressed…even though the US is mostly “Christian,” most of them are people that go to church on Sunday, but don’t act Christian-like during the rest of the week. I hope and pray that you find Christ’s love. Josh
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