Growing up?

Today the moisture is present up on the lips. The sounds are only quiet sighs of the morning hours. Moving along at the constant pace, which is only percieved by those in its rotation, the sun beckons for a nice fall day if one could actually exist.

Are you touched by the flame? That is considered lucky in many cultures you know.

Walk into this farm with the cows and sows to only discover a long list of bugs. There is information regarding these bugs, but half of them are duplicates. Person reporting the bugs, please leave off the “abend” for it is an arcahic term that means nothing to java developers.

Tonight I shall clean like a crazy person on crack. This urge to keep my place spotless has become overwhelming. Well, not really spotless, but I have noticed that the “art” are is kept in order. I really need to build a desk for the computers. Am I growing up?

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October 26, 2006

I wish I knew whether I was touched by the flame. Sometimes I just think that I’m scorched by it.

October 29, 2006

does one ever grow up?

ryn: welcome aboard, comrade.

November 1, 2006

could be, or maybe you’re becoming obsessive compulsive! jk!