Stupid husband.
So he has a interview for a really good job with the county government @ 1:30 pm. He walks through the door of the house at 1:20pm. WTF???? He got pissed and drove back home because he missed his exit and got cut off twice on the way to the interview. I guess getting a job and providing for his family means nothing to him. And yet it is left to me to save the day and support the family on the money I get from the GI Bill.
Oh and this morning he was swearing up and down that he was not gonna go because it was to FU@$ing cold out side. Go figures. Lazy ass.
He screams and yells about having absloutly no money. But yet he wont go out and make an effort to even get a job.
He needs to get his butt in gear and stop making excuses for himself!
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I give props to you for dealing with this. I think I would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. I can’t stand lazy husbands (especially fathers) or people who make too many excuses!!
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