Marriage counseling.
So oh course you all know that me and Ron have quiet the explosive marriage.
Ron suggests to me last night that we need marriage counseling. He of course refused to call, so I had to. I called the church that I’ve been to a few times and asked about the marriage counseling services they offer.
I got ahold of one lady but, at 100 bucks an hour that was way out of our price range. She reffered me to another woman. She is only charging us 60 bucks an hour because none of us have a job. So I made an appoitment with the second woman for the up coming Tuesday. I hope everything goes ok because things are quite crappy between the two of us.
I tell Ron about the appointment and he then laughs at me. That boys then tells me "I never told you to do that." He smirks at me some more and laughs, then half heartedly says "yeah um sure I’ll go with you." Can you believe that boy. He drives me nuts.
Oh well, when the marriages ends, which I think it will, it will look better on my part that I actually took the iniative and tried marriage counseling. In the end it will favor me because it shows that I tried to fix the marriage. Going through a divorce is never a good thing to experience. I would like to avoid it if at all possible.
There is a ministry called by Joel and Kathy Davisson that will get your marriage back faster than anything else. I do not say that lightly either. They have marriage mentoring calls 6 days a week and mens mentoring calls and women’s mentoring phone calls. The cost for the marriage calls are 10$/month. Mens is $100/month and women’s is $25/month.
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