My child is turning into a Westie. (Hoodrat, Eshay, untrustable)

Until recently, my daughter was an absolute angel. I know dads are always biased, and we always think our little girls are angels, but she was. She was polite, courteous, loving, caring, academic, and surrounded by great, like-minded friends. Then, my wife decided to change schools for her. Okay, there is a little more to it than that, but I digress.

My son was struggling with private school life. Personally, I believe it was only because all his friends went to public school, and he missed them. But as usual, my wife knows better, so after several discussions (okay, one), she decided to move him to a public school. To which my daughter piped up, “I always wanted to go there! I’ve asked several times!” Once again, I believe her motivations were simply that her boyfriend at the time went there, but she, who must be obeyed, made the decision that the daughter, too, would be changing schools.

So back to where I was, this great kid, my kid, who was going really well at school and in life in general, changed schools and was doing reasonably well for the most part, and then it started, she started to get a bit feral near the end of last term, and then a few weeks ago, there was a change in friendship groups too, and snap she has gone full BITCH! Not to me specifically, she knows better, but to her mother, her brother, Nonna and Nonno, and everyone that isn’t her circle of friends.

Sadly, she and her boyfriend went their separate ways, and within a few days, horny little teenage boys provided a constant flow of messages, snaps, and calls, and they are all little hoodrats, the type of kids I don’t want my children to be around.

Worst of all, even her ex-boyfriend said this group is not kosher. He is a great kid, and my daughter was close to his sister, too, but I haven’t even heard her mention them recently; she clearly closed that door hard and shut out more than an old boyfriend.

My son talks to him, but herself, I don’t know. I don’t know what she is thinking or what is going on between those ears. Are we entering the infamous teenage rebellion? Let’s check.

5 Signs of a Rebellious Teenager

☑         Self-defeating and self-destructive behaviours

☑         Neglecting schoolwork over a long period of time

☑         Drinking alcohol and experimenting with drugs (sort of Nicotine products!! & Supervised beverage)

☑         Breaking rules and even laws

☑         Engaging in physical risk-taking, like extreme sports or other dangerous activities.

I often think to myself, and I hear my parent’s voices when they say to me, “Remember, we were your age once!” and yes of course, I did some stupid stuff when I was a kid, but that was the 80’s and 90’s, I would never talk back to my biological mother, or Step Monster, and God above as my witness I wouldn’t dare with my father.

My generation, “Gen Y / Millennials”, grew up with etiquette, such as respect, manners, please and thank you, asking for permission, holding doors, pulling out chairs & easy on the swear. We followed the rules mostly, but we knew that rules are rules; some we could bend, and some, if we even got close to them, would be painful. Respect, Manners, Is this not a thing anymore?

I do know, to quote LORD VARYS, “My little birds are everywhere, even in the North; they whisper to me the strangest stories,” and they are not telling me good things about said child. She is becoming or has become the queen bitch of her year level and below, with several of the bullies who previously absolutely pulverized her little brother—now in tow and pining over her as they are friends with her new boyfriend, who, from all reports, is an absolute fool. The only positive from that is they now leave her brother alone.

She is in the “cool crowd,” hanging with the vapers (back in my day, the smokers). I am constantly getting notifications from the school that she is late to class or not in class, and I am getting very close to the end of my tether.

The Minister of War and Peace and I went out for dinner last night; we are trying to reconnect and see if we can save our marriage, particularly after I sat her down on the weekend and told her about recent events and past transgressions, No more secrets, which surprisingly she took well (a post for another time).

We spoke about the son and his therapy sessions, the progress he is making in those and at school and socially also, his concerns in life, and mostly his concerns about his sister. Of course, we spoke about the sister too, the concerns we have for her, and the people she hangs around with. I know we cannot blame everything on the friendships we keep or the people around us, as we too need to make our own decisions whether to lead or follow, but your peers or so-called peers do have a big part to play. Much like the movie “Mean Girls,” if the daughter isn’t careful, much like who I think she is in the “Mean Girls” movie Regina George, she may pay the ultimate price and end up hanging with the boys in the year level below her next year too, as she will be in the same classes.

We finally made a decision together, yes, WE, and that is that she will finally release her reign and move aside for the Chief to be running the house, particularly discipline and punishment. No more bullshit grounding where she gets her phone taken off her for two weeks and magically has it back in two days. If I take it, it will be locked in the gun safe where no one other than myself and Nonno can get it, and it will be for the entire time originally set out, plus any additional days, weeks that are added on.

Being grounded means being grounded. Directly to school and directly home—do not pass go, do not collect $200.00. If you are more than 2 minutes later than you should be, there is a penalty. If you backchat your mother or me, penalty. If I get even a text message from the school, double demerits. That state and territory of TeaBag de Plume is not a democracy; it’s a dictatorship, and I am “Dear Leader, El Capo, Presidente, jefe, Chief” I AM YOUR FATHER!

It’s time for some learning… I will not have her ruin her life over some little hoodrats who think they are cool. Why couldn’t she stay with the nerdy kids, find another geek guy?

Nerds rock! I know it used to be

“Curls Get The Girls,”

but I’m certain that with the change in times and technology, it will soon be

“Nerds Get The Birds!”

Of course. Within a few minutes of posting this I got both a text message and a phone call from the school about her.


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