Too much going on…

 I haven’t been able to write a new entry from my laptop and had to resort to my iPad which kind of sucks! There is  WAY TOO MUCH going on right now to try to type one letter at a time on this thing as my laptop would have been better   Right now Carissa is living with us cause my sister in law is going through treatment for meth!!!!!! We have had her since the end of June. It ‘s been harder than I thought with 2 kids and I got a full time job at the beginning of June and trying to balance everything has been an adventure. I am SUPER tired lately, and just worn out/exhausted. My sister in law has DEFINITELY done me wrong this time and has been meaner to me than everyone else. Anyways I have to go to bed now…. 

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August 21, 2013

you have lived here before..?