Just thinking, waiting for the floor to dry
So tomorrow I get to babysit Ben (Jerry’s son) so I am just cleaninig house and down in the basement right now waiting for the floor to dry. I have been looking at houses around here and I REALLY want to buy one. There seem to be a couple of them that I really like and they even have estimated payments on what you pay have to pay for the house and a couple of them are close to what we are paying now in rent! Then again there are some new places being built that I would LOVE to own and they would be BRAND NEW but I think we are a little far from that. We still need to save some more money for that and right now we aren’t doing so hott on that. I just paid the chiropracter bill off though and we still owe $300 on St. Mary’s from when we took Madison to the ER cause of her fever. THEN I would like to pay on the loan we have with Paul’s sister so that-that isn’t on us when we have to buy a house and then I would like to pay more on Paul’s car and get that piece or crap paid off. I would like for him to get a different one (or for me to and him take the car I have now to work) but I would like a house too and don’t know how well it would work with both so I dunno what to do. I almost wanna call the real estate agent that helped us get this place we are renting and ask her how much we would need to put down on one of those new houses for the payment to be cheap. Paul’s gotta work on getting a raise too. I would like to work where his mom is working but her boss (who is also her boyfriend) keeps jerking me around and I don’t want to put Madison in daycare yet. Oh also yesterday we went for a drive and before we did that we went through a drive thru first and when I was handing Madison a french fry she said "Thank You" it was the CUTEST thing ever!!! Awww my baby starting having manners at 14 months old!