HI again,
I have only just written an entry but I forgot all about this. We haven’t been sleeping very well recently if anyone has any tips on how to get more sleep it would be good. Well it’s not really amount of sleep it’s more quality of sleep or is all sleep the same? I don’t think so, there is a diference and whenever I nap I wake up with a really dry throat which I think is odd.
I did my twitchy thing again last night and woke myself up, I don’t think I’d done it for ages but it was quite bad, I was just getting off to sleep and there I go jerking my body and I was awake again.
I had trouble getting to sleep last night, I just had loads of things going round in my head. I don’t know why, it’s just since we’ve moved I can’t stop thinking even when I’m watching TV stuff is going round in my head and last night I was wondering what Nan thought of me at the minute. It wasn’t unexpected when my second Nan died and her parting words to me were that she was proud of me and always had been, I hope she still is even though I’ve taken a rubbish job that is no doubt going to make me depressed and that I didn’t do my best at Uni. I wish I had worked harder, but that is the benefit of retrospect.
Speak soon
I have troubles sleeping myself. So i don’t think I would be much help there.Just hope whatever you find to help works..and maybe you can get back to bye
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I bet your Nan is still extremely proud of you!! You’ve got a good degree, a nice place to live in a new city and a decent job! You are also one of the most fantastic people on the planet! You are strong, dependable, sensible, crazy, fun, clever and very, very amusing! You are great Sam!
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