
So I have been cleaning house all day and I decided to run my RoboVac one more time tonight and all of a sudden my RoboVac completely stopped working and it won’t even turn on…. <- I guess that I am going to have to call Walmart and the manufacturer of the Eufy RoboVac 25C tomorrow and explain to them that machine stopped working completely and I would like to know if I can possible get a replacement…. I sure hope so because I have not even had the machine for a month yet and it has already completely stopped working…. I am so ready to give up for the rest of this day and just try again tomorrow…. I have to work on Thursday and I could actually use the hours because more than likely I am going to have to replace my machine Eufy RoboVac 25C out of my next paycheck that is coming up next week…. I am so aggravated for sure that my RoboVac 25C completely stopped working…. I have more housework to do tomorrow and I even made up a chore list to make it easier on me with all of this housework that I am doing especially now that I have gone back to work…. I am going to be working a lot more now that summer is here and the state is starting to open back up…. I have to call Nikki tomorrow and let her know to put me on the schedule for Thursday…. The more hours that I get the better that my paychecks will only be getting better and honestly I can’t wait for the good paychecks to start rolling in on a regular basis…. 

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