
I actually had a good Thanksgiving…. I have started talking to William again and I think that this time things are going to actually work between me and William…. I am so glad that I have William to talk to about everything…. My divorce court hearing is coming up on January 5, 2021 and honestly I can’t wait because the day that my divorce is finalized I am going to test William and tell him that my divorce is final and that I am ready to come to Tennessee to be with him…. I know that I am putting my heart on the line but honestly I truly love William and I have loved that man for 14 years…. I just can’t help myself when it comes to loving William…. William is the father of my first born child and he is everything that I have always in a man…. Besides Hunter deserves to have both of his parents raising him together than just one parent…. William is so caring and compassionate and I am ready to go to Tennessee just to be with William and have my 3 kids with me…. Hunter will finally get to meet his older brother and his 2 older sisters and I will finally get to be William’s wife after all of these years…. 

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November 28, 2020

I know it will all work out as you have planned.  He is a lucky guy to be so deeply loved.  It will be great for the kids also.  Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.  😎

November 28, 2020

@tracker2020 i feel that Hunter needs both of his parents. William is beyond perfect in my eyes