So tomorrow is my 34th birthday…. West Virginia is getting more snow tonight and tomorrow…. There is NO school for the kids here in Raleigh County which means my kids will be home and plus two of my nephews are spending the night with me…. Tomorrow I will my 3 year old nephew Kaden because my step sister Talena has to have 14 teeth cut out at Mountain State Oral Surgeon’s here in Beckley…. <- Honestly I don’t see how my step mom Judy is going to be driving her car because it is a front wheel drive and there is a lot of snow and they are calling for another 2-4 inches of snow for tomorrow morning…. Bobby is still being a jerk to me and I am beyond fed up with him…. Someway somehow I have to get out to the store tomorrow evening because I have to get groceries from Walmart…. I have housework to do tomorrow….
Happy Birthday 😀
@colorfulheart Thank You
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