This is how you spell happy

Night one of KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas:
Rise Against
Alice In Chains
Thirty Seconds to Mars
Three Days Grace
Dead By Sunrise

I just about DIED when I heard the line up. I was in the car, cranky as a mofo and debating whether or not it was safe for me to drive when I was considering turning the guy in front of my into beef jerky because he had no concept of how to step on the gas, when the commercial came on announcing the bands. I freaked. I literally screamed. Pedestrians on the opposite side of the street looked over in my direction to see what trauma had just occurred. Tickets go on sale Saturday at noon. This is where I *pray* that I can actually get seats. I HAVE TO GO TO THIS!! If only to prove to myself that I’m not old.

You know how I kept saying that Angel and I are like an old married couple? We had another one of those moments last night. We went to see the Leonids meteor shower (which was amazing, one of the fireballs was so big and bright that you could see its reflection off the ground!) and as we were leaving I asked him if he’d drive my car back because, quite honestly, I was feeling lazy. He stopped at Chevron and I was slapped in the face with our old coupleness. While he got out to fill the tank, I sat in the passenger seating crocheting. *headdesk* I need to start hanging out with other people!

If he had his way, I’d also be hanging out with this girl Janet. I told him that I’m sort of anti guys right now and miss a lot of little thing about dating a girl. He wants to set me up with her, but I’m not interested. I don’t like the pressure that comes along with being set up with a friend of a friend (I always feel guilty when he’s into it and I’m not [which so far has been the case 100% of the time] and there’s always the danger of running into them again when your mutual friend has parties or whatever). I’d rather meet someone on my own. Or maybe not at all. Meh. I’m kind of on the fence about the possibility of my romantic future. We’ll see.

This is random, but I felt like throwing it in here. I found this on YouTube the other night. KROQ played Snuff recently and called it "new Slipknot" but I *know* this song has been available since last year. So I’m confused. But whatever. I drove past the Palladium recently and saw that they were going to be playing. I did a bit of a happy dance and wanted to take my 15-year-old cousin because 1) he loves them and 2) it would be a blast going to a show like that with him. My little boy is growing up! *tear* Except the idiot lied about report cards not coming out and was grounded. Dumbass!

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November 17, 2009
November 17, 2009

OMG. your driving moment just killed me. I was laughing SO HARD. You amuse me. But I hope you get to go!

November 17, 2009

I’m jealous about the meteor shower. I was wanting to watch it last night, but it was storming here and impossible to see anything.

Awww, girls huh. If you want, I’ll go to the lezzie bar with you one night so you can get your mack on 🙂 If you lived closer!! I live close to some cute dykes. And they love pussy…and cats. They work at my pet store. LOL

LOL people have been commenting on Roomie and I behaving as vaguely married too. Mostly because we take turns paying for dinner and cooking for each other and stuff. I told her I needed help and after a couple days of recooperating, she has started to help, so that’s good. Yay! haha. Actually a guy friend of mine thought it was pretty funny. His comment was something to the effect of…

…”So you have the perks of a wife, but practically no girlfriend drama, and she even encourages you to go out and get laid? What an awesome relationship!!!”, hahaha. I never thought of it before, but he’s right. Pretty funny. I’m glad you got to see the meteor shower!! You must have drove out a ways huh? I tried to watch from my backporch but light pollution ruined that idea 🙁

Have fun with your band stuff 🙂 I don’t know most of those bands but it sounds pretty epic, lol. Are you still working on the NaNo? I admit, after those first few sessions while you were around, I haven’t done anything. Apparently you are my muse 😉 haha. Well see ya later! – G (I can’t remember what you had to do to get OD to put that automatically, so just in case!)