Excuse Me, I’m Speaking!
Why is it that Boyfriend cannot comprehend when is a good time to speak and when is not? More specifically, why can’t he figure out that it is not a good idea to speak when I’m speaking?? Conversation? Great! What would be the purpose of speaking if there wasn’t someone to respond to you (speeches / lectures excluded)? But when I am in the middle of a sentence or a story there is really no need to go off in a completely different direction with whatever you feel like to talking about at that second. The only reason you would do that is if you weren’t listening to begin with. I mean, how would you know if I was speaking if you weren’t even listening? Grrrrrr……
caught ur diary on random. communication is not the male’s strong point first of all. they either dont have anything to say or speak at the wrong times. but i will say i have the same interupting problem. i just HAVE to get out what im going to say b4 i forget. it’ll definately take some work to get him to stop. have fun!:)
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ryn: you can use the quote, yes, with proper accreditation. TFA. and let me know if you DO use it so i can check it out and boost my ego.
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There is very little that boys comprehend about girls. To them communication should be all about them. You best bet is to either sit him down(with tape over his mouth) and tell him how much you hate when he interupts u or start writing him letters.
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the strong point of the male mind is not common sense… it seems to deal with a three letter word (ie sex). The only advice i have for you is to explain to him that it is extremely rude that he interrupts you… granted I’m prolly not the best person for advice but I try.. and thank you for your note on my diary. It helps to know that there are at least some people out there who care.
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Hehe…You’re asking that men learn the art of conversation? Bwahahahahaha 🙂 xxoo,
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