
I can’t believe tomorrow is my last day here. I’m not looking forward to getting up at the buttcrack of dawn on Wednesday and dragging my ass to the airport. I hate leaving this place. Which is funny because when I first got here on Thursday I was so depressed and kicking myself for doing something so stupid. I didn’t want to waste a perfectly good plane ticket so I sucked it up and made the trip, but when I got here it was so hard walking down the streets without the boy by my side. I’ve had to go past his place a bazillion times and it’s gotten easier, but it’s still really surreal to be "so close, yet so far."

I’m pretty sure he knows I’m here. I emailed him, but I supposed it’s possible that he could have just deleted the message without reading it. I’ve done that when I’m sick of people. *shrug* Who knows. Part of me still hopes that by some random act of God I’ll still get to spend time with him before I leave, but if I don’t it’ll be okay. Hopefully it’ll be the fuel I need to move on once I get home. I’m not good at handling life without closure, but this is as good a time as any to learn. The city has provided a lot of distraction. Yesterday was pretty slow, but even so the day was ended with the formation of two new friendships. I was laying in bed reading a book when I smelled that wonderful, skunky smell that can only mean one thing (uhmm… besides skunks). So I threw on some clothes, trotted outside and got high with two guys that were sitting on the patio. Chris and Sam. They just met here at the hostel, but you’d never know it from the way they were talking. It sounded like they’d been friends for life. That’s what I love most about this place. I’ve discovered so many new friendships so easily.

Today I went to lunch with Patti and her daughter Eden. I met Patti on the plane home last time I was visiting Nameless. Finding a place to eat turned out to be one heck of an adventure. I guess a lot of places are closed on Mondays? Seemed weird to me. But we had to go to FOUR PLACES before finding a cafe that was open! Insane. I got my usual grilled cheese and hot chocolate (and took pics so Angel could be sufficiently jealous), but they put mayo on the grilled cheese. Eew. Whatever, it was still great hanging out with Patti and Eden.

I’m going to go hang out with Sharon for a bit (an Aussie who works at the hostel — also known as the cute lesbian I would have loved to hook up with the first time I was here save for the fact that I was with Nameless) and I think later I’m going to go to Family Home Evening at the church down the street. I’m not sure what’s on tap for tomorrow, I’m just sad that it’ll be my last day. I can’t freaking believe I’m leaving. I’m really going to miss it here.

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November 9, 2009

where you heading now?

November 9, 2009

Maybe that’s a sign that you belong there, bb.

November 9, 2009
November 10, 2009

ah i love hostels! getting high with strangers/new best friends is awesome. your trip sounds so fun!!

yay! did you have fun with the lesbian? lol. hope you had a nice trip home! 🙂

November 13, 2009

sounds like so much fun!