2/9/09 *question




lilypie breastfeeding ticker


 *what age did your little ones try solids?

beau is slowly getting accustomed to the crib. last  night, he slept in there from 11p.m. until 2 a.m. and then came to bed with me to nurse but i don’t think he ate again til 5:30 or 6 a.m. so at least he gives me a break at night. the other night, he slept in the crib for 2 hours and another night only 1 hour so maybe he’s going to increase it by an hour each night? AND if he’s happy and full, a lot of times, he’ll either stay asleep when dennis puts him in there OR put himself to sleep. saturday night, dennis made the mistake of rolling him back over when he put himself to sleep on his stomach and he woke up. lesson learned.

we’ll get there. i hope.

we got a new cushy car seat for sawyer. that thing looks comfy. the cup holders don’t fit in the car though so he doesn’t get to use those. *it converts into a booster later

*ugh. you wouldn’t believe the difference in price here as compared to the american wal-mart website price. just ugh.

dennis put beau in sawyer’s old one to fit his seatbelts and beau seemed to like it in there. we’ll find out tonight when we go to the chiropractor.

yesterday, beau was playing with sawyer’s sippy cup. he always seems interested in sawyer’s cups. so i thought, hmmmmm, i wonder…i got him a sippy cup of his own (with water, not juice, which is what was in sawyer’s) and he liked it. all this time, dennis has been trying to get him to drink a bottle and it’s a cup he wants. we haven’t tried it with expressed milk yet.

i have to go to the dentist tonight. 🙁 b/c i’m so prone to cavities, i go every 6 months.  we have chiropractor immediately after so beau might end up trying milk from a cup tonight.i’m not feeling the greatest though. blah. i hope i’m not getting something. and i hope the boys aren’t either. that would really suck.


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February 9, 2009

Andrew always preferred a sippy cup, or even a cup w/a straw, over a bottle, I didn’t really use bottles much at all. I hope you can get Beau to take expressed BM with a cup, that would make life so much easier for you! 🙂

February 9, 2009

That is a cute picture of the boys.

February 9, 2009
February 9, 2009

I hope he keeps loving a sippy cup.Hope everything goes good at the dentist tonight Awww such cute boys 🙂

February 9, 2009

I have to go to the dentist too this week. My first time in four years! Embarrassing I know… no coverage but I just have to suck it up and pay. *sigh*

February 9, 2009

Canadian shopping blows! 😛 I mean it’s not bad but… I just wish our dollars were equal again.

February 9, 2009

RYN: LOL, well, I grew up with an American dad that worked in the States and we had antenna television so saw Buffalo news, and when I was going to school, they were just switching over – plus I know the majority of my faves won’t know how the heck 30 degrees could be considered good weather!! 🙂

February 9, 2009

Cuties!! Hopefully the cup works!

February 9, 2009
February 9, 2009

Ryn: haha I was going to say I could send some in the parcel I’m going to send you but alas, they would melt. 🙁

February 9, 2009

hehe cute =o)))

February 9, 2009

Your boys are so cute! :o) Hope all goes well at the appts tonight x

February 9, 2009

Andrew was something like 6 months and 10 days.

February 9, 2009

I don’t understand why carseats are so much cheaper in the US. It’s not even the exchange rate, it’s just theirs are cheaper 😛 I started my kids on solids at around 6months

February 9, 2009

That’s a fancy car seat! I hope the sippy cup of breast milk works for Beau.

February 9, 2009

RYN: Hee! No, we found out that the cat likes to lick up the liquid from Fancy Feast (she won’t eat the chunks, though), so we’ve taken to mixing some water in and making it into a sort of soup. She’ll usually reduce it to a thicker dryish paste, and then we refrigerate that and re-add water and mix it up for her again at a later time. This is supplemental to her dry food because she’s skinny.

February 9, 2009

Kaleigh tried solids around 4-5 months but she was READY believe me! I didn’t know about the waiting until 6 months thing until I had Colby. With Colby I waited and at 6 months he was sooo NOT ready he only wanted the breastmilk! By 10 months or so he finally gave in LOL

February 9, 2009

He should be eating baby pablam at 6 months old and eating everything by the time he is two. And he should be in his crib when he sleeps..period. If he needs to be fed don’t take him to your bed. I would either sit in a rocking chair in his room or in the living room. And he will get use to the fact that “HIs” room is for sleeping. There are books called from birth to 5 years old that tells you

February 9, 2009

at what age they should be doing stuff like crawling and what they should be introduced to in the way of food. I used that book for my son and he is now 22, so I do have some knowledge of this….

February 9, 2009

It’s bittersweet when they move up to the big boy carseat! They look so cute in that picture too. Savino started cereal at about 4.5 months and orange vegetables at 6 mo.

February 9, 2009

ryn: I’m sure all of Keith was hot… not just his feet. He really doesn’t care for the hot, humid, tropical weather. I on the other hand love it and could use some right about now…..

February 9, 2009

I never offered Reagan a bottle. Around 6 months he started having water out of a sippy cup.

February 9, 2009

Ryn: I meant that Kaleigh WAS ready but Colby just wasn’t…he wouldn’t even look at it! lol I tried him on solids at 6 mos and he was like, “meh” and wouldn’t even try it! lol

The boys are adorable together… and yea… younger siblings are like that, they are odd, Paisley was completely off bottle in Vermont, but when she was living w/ her cousin and all the bs happened she went for the bottle again b/c my sister’s family thought Destinie was still to young, tho she was fine w/ it too… now Paisley refuses…

February 10, 2009

i was the terrible mother that gave bryce solids when he was 2.5 months. look at how fat he got too, right??? ;P