

Those of you who asked probably already Googled it but I’ll give you an on the ground perspective.

An inversion is when air of one extreme traps air of another. In our case this month, warm air has trapped cold air on the valley floor. So if you travel to a higher elevation you’ll experience temps in the balmy 40’s but if you go down to the valley it’s in the single digits and teens. This in itself isn’t a big deal. So it’s cold? It’s Utah. The problem is that since the air doesn’t mix and no air is moving all the pollutants and other unsavory discharges from daily life get trapped IN the cold air. I read one article that said it’s essentially like someone put a layer of cellophane over the entire valley.

I haven’t seen the sky or had a clear view of the mountains in weeks. It is constantly foggy and hazy. You can actually taste the air when you go outside. Provo had the second worst air quality in the country this week. They were second to another inversion city, Logan, that’s a few hours north of us. My nose has been bloody nonstop the whole time this has been going on. It really sucks. 

I has been getting warmer though. We actually had rain the other day instead of snow which is just bizarre for this area in this month. Thankfully it stirred things up a bit so our air is better but it’s still not clear. Allegedly it’ll be more improved by Monday.

There are several government sites that monitor this area if you Google "air quality Utah". Check out the live cams.

We’ve actually had patients cancel appointments over it. People who already have sensitive lung issues are staying indoors where the air is filtered. I’m doing the same with the exception of going to work. I’ll make an excursion today to get my hair cut because the new growth is giving me a mullet. It looks awful.


Anyway, so that’s inversion.


In brighter news, I did feel movement again when I was settled on the couch last night. I’ve only ever felt it in one particular position. I scrunch myself up on the end of the couch to watch tv and I’ll feel little bumps and flutters sometimes while I’m there. I imagine it’s because in that curled up state I am inadvertently pushing my skin (and thus nerves) down closer to the uterine wall. It’s reassuring. I really do look forward to it happening it more regularly. Some people have suggested getting a doppler but I just can’t bring myself to do it. The ones they sell at Walmart and Target are essentially stethoscopes and I’m not far enough along yet for that to work. You can rent actual dopplers but I just don’t think that’s a good idea. Obviously lots of others do it and no harm seems to come of it but it bothers me. Yeah, I freak out but I don’t think I reach harmful levels of stress over it so it seems unnecessary.

The point in the pregnancy where I really needed the reassurance was too early for anything to be capable of helping: that first 12 weeks. Now that we’re passed that I still worry but it’s a passing nervousness, not an all consuming freak out.


I’m rambling.

I need to clean the house some this morning.


Had a moment of…..I don’t know what to call it. I was bummed. Let’s go there. I had a moment where I was bummed when I got out of the shower last night and realized how big I already look. I know I’m not actually that big pregnancy wise but the "bump" is pushing my already accumulated fat further out so instead of looking even remotely pregnant I just look like I went on a cheeseburger eating binge. It bothered me greatly. I’m good with getting all big and beach ball-y with baby but I’m disappointed in myself for not trying harder to lose weight beforehand.

I need to watch what I eat better right now, too With the nausea gone I can eat anything again, even spicy and greasy foods which would have made me ill a few weeks ago. I’ve went a little overboard since I’ve been able to indulge without consequences. I think what I need is essentially a weight watchers style meal program: all the fruit and veggies I want but I need to count the rest in some measurable way. I’m not concerned about gaining weight. I’m concerned about gaining too much weight. I know me. Without some sort of checks in place I’ll need people to knock down a wall to get me to the hospital for delivery.


Enough of the rambles. I think I’ll actually go be productive for an hour.




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Thinking of you.

January 26, 2013

Wow. That inversion stuff sounds awful. I did google it a little bit but I wasn’t sure if you meant weather or something else so wasn’t quite certain which results to click. Yay for movement!

January 26, 2013

Inversion: uuuugggghhhh The movements always came and went for me the first few weeks I felt them.

January 26, 2013

I googled and found one of those web cams, wow hardly any visibility?!It must be tough having to deal with this on a daily basis.

January 26, 2013