Anyone out there?
Hi out there fellow anonymous humans. So strange how this all works – its like we’re all floating in our relative universes but its to dark to notice the other pieces of star dust next to you, surrounding you, sometimes far away. A bit like me, desperate to find another piece of stardust (or whatever I am), desperately waiting and watching for just another fleeting glimmer of light to confirm that I am not alone. That it’s just an illusion. That there is hope and solidarity around me. But it never seems to come, no matter how hard I try to look, no matter how desperately I hope. I feel like on of those old broadcast signals flickered from abandoned radio channels set up years ago that everyone has forgotten, that is never heard because no one knows that channel exists, or ever existed. No matter how many times I say ‘copy, over’? A lot of days I can’t even hear my own signal, some days I don’t even know if there is one. Do other people have them? Do other people hear them? Or is it just me?
I have high-functioning autism, so sometimes I struggle to understand my own thoughts and feelings, and I often struggle to put them into words. If I can put them into words, they are fleeting, like the light you can still see in the aftermath of a sparkler being waved in the dark. Sometimes they are elusive, I feel their truth and the next minute it feels as though I imagined it, or got it wrong, interpreted that feeling or thought wrong (my logical brain tells me that this is an effect of delayed processing associated with the autistic brain, much like that lingering light left in the wake of a sparker). And then I struggle to put it into words. If I can’t understand how I feel, how can I express how I feel. And where I try despite it, try to connect with others, be honest with them and real – it comes out the wrong way, its too rude, or too immature, or too-something always – people’s interpretation of what I say is always so different to what I am actually saying. With so much risk involved with communicating, and all the mental effort involved, what is the point of it? But then the longing, the longing to connect, to be one with someone, that longing never goes away. Like an unwelcome guest sitting idly in an empty house that is your world, yourself.
This is so beautifully written. I completely understand not being able to express how you feel, or at least it not coming out the right way. I think that is why I wanted to try this out so I can comfortably do so and at least ONE person will understand what I am trying to say.
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Yes, very beautifully written, I think you expressed your thoughts perfectly, at least, that is how it feels to me.
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You know, this is really poetic. You’re never alone in this world @somewheretheether You can friend me and you can tell me how you feel
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The imagery in this is magnificent and I think you did stunning work with being able to succinctly capture the feeling of loneliness and isolation. I completely understand and feel the same, it was so cathartic to read and find another piece of stardust out there having the same thoughts. <3
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Same as the other comments, I loved your writing, it made me feel your thoughts and not just read them.
The longing for connection is natural to all humans, and the difficulty of being understood is also part of our species, mostly because people often have a filter in their eyes, a filter that changes reality to what they think reality is, so it is hard, no only to someone with autism. Making people understand you is a hard task by itself.
I truly believe that with the will to understand how communication works (it is totally logical) and how people’s filters act in their way of interpreting reality, you can improve the power of your signal to the universe. I would love to participate if you’re willing to have me (:
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