
Stupid OD save this before I told it too. Blah.


I kicked into major domestic goddess mode yesterday. I only have a few more days to get everything done before Mom gets here, plus, I want the house clean before we go to Jacksonville because I don’t want to come home to a messy house.

I made a few dozen sugar cookies yesterday….but I cheated there by using the Pillsbury precut ones. But they’re pretty and Christmasy. I also made just shy of three dozen M&M cookies….seriously, I was three cookies short of an even three dozen. I made the dough for Reese’s mini pieces cookies and I need to start baking those soon so that I can get the chocolate chip cookies done today as well, so that Jake can take the buckets of cookies to work tonight. I got these cute little buckets at Wal Mart for $1 each so that everyone on his shift could have their own buckets. I also got a few extras to take to Jacksonville to give to Ray & Denise and Becky and whoever else wants the last one.

I folded two loads of towels last night and a load of whites. I have a load of colors in the dryer waiting to be folded and a load in the wash waiting to be dried. I hung up our calendar and key rack, my Kasey Kahne bulletin board, our basic training pictures, and the thingy Jake’s unit gave him when he separated. Oh, and I hung the stained glass Noah’s Ark thing that Dan and Riss got for Noah, in Noah’s room of course. I still have a ton of stuff to hang.

I have flattened boxes waiting to go out…..I wish I had remembered to tell Jake to take them out Tuesday night so they could have gone out with the recycling, but we’ll just put them out before we leave for Jacksonville. I have a big tub of random stuff full and ready to go into the storage closet. I unpacked the rest of my sewing stuff.

So, the rest of today…..I need to run to Wal Mart at some point to get more beverages and some larger frames to hang our pictures from the other week….and more chocolate chips because they all melted together in the cabinet. Note to self – don’t put chocolate chips in the cabinet near the stove. I also need to go to the Verizon store to get Mom’s Bluetooth. Hang the rest of the pictures and the curtains in the spare room. Make cookies. More laundry if I can squeeze it in.

My weekend will consist of everything else that needs to be done. But at the bare minimum, I must go to the store today and finish the cookies today.

It’s about time I kicked my own ass into gear to get this stuff done.

And now I must go grab my munchkin because he just turned off the desktop computer. Bad Noah.

Ok. So I didn’t get any more pictures hung. And I ended up not getting frames at Wal Mart because they only had one small bag of chocolate chips left, and I needed two of the large bags, so I didn’t get anything there and just went to the grocery store instead. But I did go to the Verizon store and got Mom’s Bluetooth. And I finished all of the cookies for Jake to take to work and those are on the way with him right now. Sunday or Monday I’ll make all of the cookies for Jacksonville.

Still need to finish up some more laundry at least before I go to bed.

Poor Noah….he’s got a whole bunch of teeth trying to make their way out. We put him to bed at 7 and he woke up just before 7:30 crying. I turned his mobile back on but he didn’t go back to sleep, so Jake went and got him since I was trying to make dinner for us. Poor baby was covered in slimy drool – even his hair! And then I noticed that he had blood in his drool, too. Did some investigating and sure enough, at least one tooth has broken through a bit. He’s got a lot of other little lumps in there, though. Gave him some teething tablets but he didn’t go back to bed until 9. Hopefully the tabs will relax him enough that he’ll sleep a little later tomorrow. I had to change his sheet because there was a huge drool spot right where he likes to sleep. I would have given him a bath but I was just so busy with trying to do dinner and get the cookies finished, so he’ll get a bath tomorrow morning.

Talked to my mom for a bit to make sure she got to my brother’s ok. Marissa was chomping at the bit to open the present revealing the baby’s gender because I guess her and mom are going shopping tomorrow. Even Danny wanted to open it. So I let ’em…eh, it is Mom’s birthday after all. They actually asked if I was serious or if I was playing a joke on them! Dan, of course, thinks we should name her Danielle. And you know, I had considered that a few years ago, but the name has such negative connotations for me now that I can’t do it, much as I love my brother. Jake now likes Elizabeth. We’ll see…..I still have five months to let something grow on me.

Anyway, need to go do laundry so I can get to bed. Night!



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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December 21, 2007

You really did kick major butt. Go Stace!

December 21, 2007

Poor Kasey Kahne.

December 21, 2007

Damn girl, you really did get a lot of stuff done! I wish I had your motivation!!