Yay Noah!

Noah is FINALLY rolling over! He’s been trying SO hard over the past few months, but just could never quite get himself all the way over. We were starting to worry that he was too chubby to do it, but he did it three times last night and has done it once this morning so far!

I wrote a letter to our newspaper’s Forum section. There was a letter in there yesterday from a woman trying to say how great the VA has treated her husband (I’m sure most of you have at least heard in passing all of the drama surrounding the VA right now). Yeah, her husband is a veteran of the Korean war. They may be taking care of the older vets, but they sure aren’t taking care of us younger ones. Every single person my age that I know that has been trying to get VA benefits (aside from the certificate of guarantee for home loans) has had issues, it’s not just Jake that’s getting screwed over.

Anyway. No sense in getting myself worked up about THAT again.

I’ve got some more pictures to share, but it’ll have to wait till later today. I can, however, share with you this video. Make sure you have your volume turned up or you won’t understand at all why we took this video.

And just so you know, I had a roll of packing tape and was ripping off pieces.



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March 16, 2007

Way to go, Noah! Watch out now… now that he is rolling over, he’ll NEVER stay still when you try to change his diaper or anything. It is always a battle to change Addison because she never stays still. That video is so cute. Addison was laughing like that the other day when Adam was smacking the cord for the blinds around. It was hilarious!

March 16, 2007

Yay… I can’t wait to apply for my GI Bill…

March 16, 2007

That is so hilarious!

March 16, 2007

lol, he’s so adorable! it’s so funny how amused babies can get over things like that. what kind of benefits are you trying to get? i ask this because my boyfriend is getting out of the army in june and he’s an iraq vet. what kind of benefits is he going to get? i know of the home loan, but that’s it. xo

March 16, 2007

lol at noah!!! conner stared at the computer while i played the video and laughed at noah laughing!!!

March 16, 2007

yeah noah

March 16, 2007

Yay Noah!!! We haven’t really had any issues, but it’s hit or miss with these people.

March 16, 2007

that is so cute 🙂

March 16, 2007

Awwww, 🙂 GO NOAH! GO! Our government seems to hate our generation. Bah.

March 17, 2007

He is so sweet! Isn’t it great that it is the little things that bring them so much joy? Take care of that handsome little man.

March 17, 2007

OMG! That was to cute! I put the volume all the way up on my computer to see what Kateland would do if she heard him laughing because she was sitting by my feet. She was smiling from ear to ear and laughing! TOO CUTE!

March 19, 2007

Lol! This is too funny!!