
Maddy rolled over all by herself tonight! She only did it once, so it may have just been a fluke, but it was still awesome to see. Her face lit up like "Whoa! Mom! Did you see that? Did you see what I did?"

Noah’s been fairly joyful to be around the past few days. Honestly, he’s been challenging lately because he’s been doing the stereotypical "terrible twos" stuff, but it hasn’t been so bad the past couple of days. Now, the past couple of nights, that’s a whole other story. He’s been waking up a lot again. I’m not sure what it is. I haven’t really talked about this here, but he doesn’t talk a lot. He really only has a handful of words. I’m not overly concerned; some of you may remember that Dale didn’t talk much until some time after he turned two, and my mom says that I wasn’t a big talker until I was closer to three, so it seems to be something that’s fairly common in both of our families. However, it’s incredibly frustrating when I can’t figure out what he wants/what’s wrong/etc. He’s usually pretty good about letting me know when he’s hungry, thirsty, or tired, but things like why he’s waking up in the middle of the night are beyond his communication skills. So, I just have to assume that he’s having bad dreams. Thankfully, I can usually just sit and cuddle him for a bit and he lets me know when he’s good to go – he gives me a kiss and climbs back into bed all on his own.

Anyway, baby girl is actually asleep for once, so I think I may try and go get some sleep myself. Knowing my luck, though, she’ll just wake up in five minutes.


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September 20, 2008

aww, I miss that stuff!! Don’t you know that kids are born with an inner alarm, as soon as Mommy falls asleep their alarm goes off and it is time for everyone to get up?? Pretty soon you will be thinking “do they EVER stop talking”…LOL

September 21, 2008

ryn: yes it was a lot of fun!! i can’t wait to get involved in more things. it probably won’t but until i’m staying at home and have the freedom of not being tied down with work but i’m looking forward to it!! and maybe that will also mean i can meet up with you finally, since we’ve only been saying it for like what…2, 3 years? lol i went back and re-read the storking thread in the university city group after you said that (krista didn’t mention having to do it first, but when i read your note it occured to me that i hadn’t checked about that before). it says that they ask you to “pay it forward” by storking for someone, but that it can be before or after your own storking. so maybe every group does it differently? also, i think they just changed coordinators this summer so things may have changed. btw, i read your blog the other day and i saw some of your savings – holy crap girl!!! i need lessons from you!!! matt and i had our first HT triples experience today. overall we saved about 40% (we spent $50 and saved $30 – so it would have been $80) and while i know that must sound SO rookie to you it’s like a miracle for us! lol

September 21, 2008

Every kid goes at their own speed and its great that you are being so patient! Do you think it could be his ears? We’ve had tons of ear problems so thats why I ask. Anyway, glad you all are doing okay though!

September 21, 2008

Addison talks a lot some days and other days, she’ll barely say a word. It took her awhile to really get into talking. I wouldn’t worry. I think Noah is perfect.

September 22, 2008