
I went and got Noah’s new car seat today! We got the Evenflo Triumph Premier. He has PLENTY of room now! It took me awhile to get the straps adjusted properly, but I got it into the car easily and I am SO relieved that it didn’t turn out to be too big for our car.

Tomorrow, we’re going to get Noah’s crib I think. My mom’s neighbor had a spare crib for her little girl that she kept at her mom’s house, and Mom sent me pictures of it today. It’s not a bad crib at all, but I finally got Jake involved in the decision and we decided that even though Mom’s neighbor has a very good price (she only wants $75 for the crib AND the mattress), we’re going to go with the first crib I posted a couple of entries back. Yes, it’s more money, but Jake started really paying attention and he likes it better, not to mention, if we got the crib from Mom’s neighbor, Mom would have to bring it down here, meaning it’d be rattling around in the back of her truck for three hours….not sure I like that.

I almost feel guilty spending more money when we have a cheaper option available, but if Noah’s going to be using this for years and years to come, I want to make sure that it’s something we’re all very happy with, ya know? And Jake knows about the price difference and he’s ok with it, and since we actually have the money to do this right now, why the heck not?

Anyway, that’s about all I’ve got for now.

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May 22, 2007

Can Noah be forward facing yet? I know some states the baby has to be 1 year and 20 lbs or one or the other. Here in Ohio it’s both so I have a few more months until Addison can be forward facing.

i have to agree with you.. its not like noah isnt going to get the use out of it… and yay for the car seat!!

May 23, 2007

I know that car seat. Working at Target has got to be good for something. ::rolls eyes::